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Speedster 98 - Remoing oil tank for repairs

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Active Member
So im trying to replace the grommet that is leaking oil from the bottom of my tank. With minimal mechanical experience I've manned up to try and do this myself with the assistance of my wife.

I actually the had the boat in to a mechanic with experience on these (6 hours drive away) and he just reckons the oil is just part of the boats age.... but im more trusting of you guys here as discussed in my initial thread a few months back Speedster 98 oil leak advice

IN preparation I carefully studied the 99 speedster model shop manual and It seemed relatively simple removing the tank and was going to yolo the grommet since the
manual doesnt really talk about how to disassemble that part. The 98 shop manual is not on this site for whatever reason btw-

FIrstly I clamped all the oil lines and loosened the clamps for the intake hose.

There's a bracket the tank is bolted to and that bracket is bolted to the boat. I thought Id be able to undo the bolts holding the tank to the bracket. Wrong! The frigan bracket is up against an inaccessible part of the boat so I have to remove the bracket instead.

The shop manual says I am required to remove only 2 bolts so I don't know what frigan scorcery they are engaged in to access behind the bracket to loosen these bolts.

We finally remove the bracket and the tank is now flopping around loosely but then i notice theres another metal bracket attatched to the base of the tank and now that looks frigan impossible to undo let alone put it back on when im down. It looks like this mounting bracket underneath it is in the schematics for the 98 series but its not shown on the 99 speedster manual. SO I've called it a day.

Is there somewhere I can get the shop manual for the 98 speedster and
Is there an easier way to replace this grommet?
Or any advice for removing the tank?

Thanks for heating my rant. Appreciate the advice as always.
Not familiar with the layout of the speedster but on my challenger 1800 it was possible to replace the grommet with tank still in. Since you have the tank already loose should make it a little easier. I found putting a little bit of lube on the grommet made it easier to put in.

I've found many jobs on these boats seem easy on paper but finding the right technique takes a little effort.
it was possible to replace the grommet with tank still in.

So doing it all upside down? That sounds hectic.

I've seen some people talk about needing to bleed the line after doing this of thing. Isn't the point of clamping the line going to stop the need to bleed the line?
Is the tank still connected to the fill hole? Should just be a hose clamp holding it on but it can be a pain to remove. I'd just work from the bottom but that's just me on my challenger 1800. I think you really need to be a contortionist/trapeze artitst to work on these boats anyway.

Not sure if you would really have to bleed the lines. Just look for air bubbles when you are done. The lines get bled down at the pump and it's pretty easy. Just crack open up the valve.
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