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Speedometer not working and idling problem

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New Member
I just bought a 1999 GTI on Saturday. I noticed the speedometer was not working when I bought it and the guy said that there is something like a lever that flipped up?... he wasn't sure but said it was an easy fix. What should I be looking for and where?

Also after playing around on the water an hour or so when I pulled in to dock it died when idling. Started up fine but I had to keep a little throttle going so it wouldn't die. Can I adjust the idle to keep it from dying?

Other than those things it runs great and a blast to drive and ride!

Thanks for any help.
There should be a small paddle wheel at the rear of the ski near the jet pump. make sure it is there and turns free. that is the speedometer pickup.

yes, you can adjust the idle on the carb. it will be one of 3 adjustments make sure it is the idle you are changing though and not the low speed needle.

I just downloaded the 1999 seadoo manual. I'm guessing I'll see what screw I need to adjust in the manual. I'll check for the paddle wheel pickup thingy also.

Thanks for the info!
Okay I found the section in the Seadoo manual about adjusting the idle screw in section 06-04-13. :hurray:

Now the other question is should I adjust it with the motor on or off? Is it possible to hook up to a garden hose somehow to get it on to idle or will I ruin the engine?

Yes you can test it with the garden hose.

It should idle at 3000 rpm out of water.

Turn on Engine, turn on water.

Turn off Water, turn off engine.
Okay this may sound stupid but I'm new to watercraft.... Where do I attach the garden hose on my 99 GTI? Do I need any type of special adapter for this or does someone just hold the hose?! :confused:
It is in the back next to the jet propulsion nozzle. Upper left corner of the pump support. It is a black metal tube about the size of a garden hose with threads on the inside. You can purchase a swivle adapter, or you can do like I do and just twist the whole garden hose and turn the end right on in.

Below is a link to the parts finder for your model to help you get a visual. The pump support is part#47. That large protruding tube is where you attach the hose.

Okay I'm very new to jet ski's so please bear with me.... I looked for the paddle wheel thingy in back for the speedometer and could'nt see anything similar to what the manual shows... do I have remove anything to be able to see it? If so is it easy to do?

no, it is attached to the left side of your ride plate, look at the lower left side of your ski on the ride plate for the paddle wheel, does your gauge turn on and the speed just does not work or does the gauge not even turn on? you also have a converter back there that chages the pressure to an electric signal.
Not sure what you mean by "turning on" but it doesn't register anything at all. It's not digital it's old school needle. lol. The needle doesn't even move. Not that it's a huge deal because I'm not too concerned with how fast I'm going on a 3 seater.... well maybe a little..... but if it's an easy fix I want to check it out. I'll look on the left side then. Thanks for the info!
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