Some Windows Help Please.


I'm running Windows 10 and I am getting the following message.


I did a change of address via US Post Office and ever since then have had some issues. Solved most,,,,

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Do you have a HP laptop? If so try uninstalling HP Drive Guard, then re-install.


I assume the the HP 3D is the one you are referring to, yes?

And,, once deleted, will I get it again from the HP website?


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Yep, HP 3D Drive Guard, in fact try just un-installing, I'm not real sure what it does, you may not even need it.

Well......if nothing else, it looks like the Email feature on the forum is once again working as it should.

Deleted it, created a Restore Point, did a restart,,,,

All good right now.. We will see.. Thank you for your guidance..

And how the heck did you know that? LOL
I've also got a HP laptop, I think it happened maybe 2nd or 3rd Windows 10 update. Google is your friend.

I did Google,, kept finding "Install me" programs and we will fix your computer... There was NO WAY I was doing that...

Thats like finding a mouse so you get a cat, but the cat won't leave so you get a dog, the dog won't leave so you get a ect ect ect...

I've also got a HP laptop, I think it happened maybe 2nd or 3rd Windows 10 update. Google is your friend.

I like it. I'm not using it ANYWHERE near its potential. Learn something new just about every day. I like the touch screen as there are many short cuts.

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I love Widows 10, big improvement over 8.1, just a few minor glitches like this one, but overall very stable. I suspect most of the problems are from outdated drivers or programs.

Kevin, I'm always ready to help the GOLD side.

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i'm on 10.0 with 3 laptops and everything has been relatively smooth, some glitches have yet to be resolved, but minor inconveniences. Like I can no longer print via wifi at home, but I had a 6' cable so it was no big deal, just a tad annoying to have to walk into the den to print something.

my work machine I left at 8 for now... works perfect, I don't want to mess with perfection.
Smart to leave one on 8. Many programs are not comparable with 10. Always nice to have a back up,,,

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You get updates with 10 restart after they load. It will act funky if you try to do work after the update, without a restart. I like ten, way less issues then past window versions. Just need to learn the changes to ways to do things in prior versions.
I like it as well. Like anything, definite learning curve. I was going to buy an Apple but went with the 10 to give it a chance.

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