So this week I replaced my stock prop with a Solas impeller. I have a 2010 Challenger 180 w/ a 215. On Solas's site the prop listed for a lot of boats (including mine) after 2007 is the SRX-CD 14/19 so I ordered it. When I brought the nozzle and prop to the local mom and pop shop to have them swapped he said it wasn't the right prop. Hmmmmm... After Many phone calls to parts shops to try and figure out what was going on it all led to the fact that we had the right prop (based on parts listings) but this guy insisted it was incorrect. Long story short, the prop I ended up using was the SRZ-CD 14/19 (only difference is the "Z" instead of an "X"). It's hard to explain so I'll post some pics but the stock prop fits over the bearing shaft and the Solas SRX fit on top of the shaft, not over it. I'm so glad I brought it to a shop to have it swapped out otherwise I would have just put it in not knowing. This is a pic of the stock impeller next to the wrong Solas impeller. The new one ("Z") looked the same as the stock but if forgot to take a pic.
Everything is together now and hopefully all is well! There's a small craft advisory here in Tampa today so I won't be able to test it till tomorrow.
Everything is together now and hopefully all is well! There's a small craft advisory here in Tampa today so I won't be able to test it till tomorrow.