Share Your Good Times Too !

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It seems we all lose track why we own our water craft. We forget all about it and get centered and focused on the problem at hand with deligence to get it resolved...Lets have some replys on the fun we had and share them too. Short and sweet will make for a good read.

Yesterday my wife and I played hookie from work, (we own the business) got some cold beverage and played with the dolphins in the ICW (inter coastal waterway) for about 3 hrs. They kept jumping our wake while keeping their distance. Clean air, few boats and good company what a combiniation.
Great Idea!

Your so very right. In this forum, we get so wrapped up in the problems we encounter that we forget about all the good times we've had through the summer.
My greatest moment this season was watching my 5 and 6 year old daughters go tubing for their first time. When it was time for the day to end, all I heard was "No Daddy, not yet, one more time!".....They really had a blast.
The Seadoo's are the best boat for ski recreation. I know so many on this forum use them, not just for riding, but for wakeboarding, sking and tubing. I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did this past season with their Doo's!.............:cheers:
Great Thread Karl!
Great idea Karl. Was out riding a few weeks ago and got to experience the same thing. Dolphins swimming near.. but no closer then 20 feet or so. One looking to be pretty badly beaten up.. Hit by a boat perhaps. Made my way out to a local island we call beer can and just relaxed for a while.
Now its cold.

Today Sunday 28th October 2008. (Ok...........2007) LoL
Took the ski out at 11am. Its cold water from now on and I inversted in a drysuit the previous day.
New plugs in her and oil bottle toped up, £30 fuel to top the tank up ski starts first time. What a nice sunny day sea flat with slow large waves breaking on the shore.
Helmet on and off I go raceing up and down the coast, jumping waves.
Been out 2 hours without stoping, only one fall off. Due to jumping a big wave and landing sideways.
The ski never missed a beat untill I beached her on a sand bar.
Picked up a stone in the grate and damaged my recently installed Solas.
I got it out with the help from other Jetskiers and back in the water till. it started getting dark.
Solas damaged and cavitating...............but what the hell.
Im dry due to wearing my drysuit and had a bloody great ride.
Been down the beach a total of 5 hours.
Oh and forgot to mention I left the rear drain plugs out during the first 2 hours:redface: and it cleared itself no problem when rideing.:)
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So many great times...........

- Ride on Donner Lake (yeah, where the Donner Party starved to death in 1846), before the 2-stroke bans. 7000 feet altitude makes for cruddy running - but it was still hilarious. And god that water was cold in the spring.

- My first time on the big water - Monterey Bay at Santa Cruz. Never hopped off a wave that high before! And I didn't need salt on any of my food for a week from all the water I inhaled out there.

- Riding a couple of times between Christmas and New Years - cloudy or in the rain, 40-50 degrees. Flat water, no one else on the water and total freedom. (okay, so it was a bit chilly out there):D

- And many times out on a houseboat with that thing on hand to ride. Went through 60 gallons of gas on 1 week-long trip .....and that was just the HX. :P
Sunday the Oct.28th I took my 16 yr old son out for his 3rd ride in my 1997 Challenger pictured, got it off the lift and handed him the lanyard, said "you drive"..He was all smiles! we headed out the channel which takes about 20 minutes twisting and turning at no wake to hit the ICW, than full throttle fun, breeze in your face, wave jamming all the way out and back. Of course the water is getting cool now like 83* so spray in you face and wind at your ears makes for fun time. All my son kept saying was," This is so cool"..." can I take it out again soon"?...I think he's is hooked now! I hope I get a chance to drive it myself again. lol

Price of regular fuel....$2.87 gallon
expression on my sons face...priceless

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Sunday Dec. 02/07 the temp is 82* water is a fridged 78* dolphins everywhere in packs of 2, 3 and 6 together. Snowbird boaters congest the water ways and ignore the signs...(uh no wake doesn't mean them I guess) The sun is high and a clean crisp breeze in your face. Salt water spray from the waves and the sound of the impeller reving up jumping the waves. Slight wind blowing from the north. GPS in hand shows 22 miles out and 22 miles back, up the ICW. Top speed 51mph. I wave at everybody I pass and see on the water. Happy smiling people are in abundance. Endless summer here as they say. It just doesn't get any better than this on a cold December day...well in S.W. Florida anyway.

added note: gas prices $3.15 gallon
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Just rub it in man.:(

I was out in the North sea on Sunday. And boy it was cold.
I had a blast on a Yamaha GP1200.
It brought tears to my eyes.

With the cold wind in my eyes, that is.
My ski had starting problems. So it sat on the beach all afternoon.
Dave, the name dosen't even sound warm...North Sea. Can you ride in the winter months or is it unbearable. Here in the tropics in S.W Florida the water gets to about 60 in the winter for a couple weeks... Time for ice I'm from upstate N.Y., and the latest I Jetskied was December 24th. it was 25*F and water was 33.34*F. I skied for about 45 minutes in a Jet Pilot dry suite. My neighbors thought I was insane. I was in my 20's then. Now in my 40's if my pool gets below 86*F. I cover it!
Where were you from in northern New York? I grew up just above the Adirondacks and we would be snowmobiling on the lakes by December 24th!

Looks like we might have a decent boating weekend coming up here in NC - wish I could get out today but work calls.
Yea, it gets cold in the Adirondacks. I used to ride snomobiles and race on the Ice in December and Jan., with my Motorcrosser set for the ice, on Lake George.
I lived on a lake called Kinderhook Lake just south of Albany. It was located in Columbia County. The lake would freeze as early as Dec 15 or as late as Jan 5th. than thaw by April 10 or so. That year I got in at a late time being the 25th of Dec. I think it was back in 1989 0r 90... that was a weekend I believe and by monday it was frozen over. I get cold just thinking about it... I got married in 1989...the wife wasn't happy.

My uncle came down from Tennessee. Wanted to go fishing. I told him I had a sport boat, not a fishing boat. But we gave it a try anyway. I got two cane poles and a can of worms and headed out to an ole fishing hole I use to visit some years ago.
The weather was warm for Thanksgiving and was wonderful. We both enjoyed the serene calm on the water and caught a few fish as we both shot the bull. The day was overcast and I was waiting for the rain. It was obvious that it wasn't far away. Just as we were starting to put things away, the rain started. I told my uncle to hold on!.......I put the enine at full throttle, the creek being no more that 50 feet wide in some areas, whipped the boat around tight turns as the rain was pounding me in the face. As we raced into the main branch of Rabbit Creek, I went under a bridge. Realizing that I just passed a place of refuge, I hollered at him to hold on. I turned the boat on a dime with 5 cent change and headed back under the bridge. When we were out of the rain and could catch a breath, he said how glad he was that I could see, with the rain being so bad. I admitted to him that I couldn't see!....I've just played in those creeks to the point I know them blindfolded.
After the rain sub-sided, we headed back to the launch. Both of us wet, the wind felt a bit cold now. When we got the boat on the trailer, I put on another shirt. He cried foul. I cried back, as a boater, you always come prepared for foul weather. Not my fault he didn't have a dry shirt!.....
Nice discription of a time well spent with a distant relative. I'm sure either of you will not forget any time soon. Something about Holidays and quality time.
Maybe Christmas!

Well, now let's see how the weather holds up at Christmas time. Maybe I can invite you up to the south of Alabama and do a little fishing.
Lots of good times...

Got my 65 year old father back into the water since he thinks he is now too old to surf, he feels just fine jet skiing.

Ski was given to us not running, Dad said he would never get on it, since surfers tend to dislike jetskiers (they generally smell bad (exhuast, not necessarily BO), show off too close to surfers, and mess up the waves). Well, after getting this thing running for around $300, he is asking every weekend to go riding either in the Intracoastal waterway or off the beach near their house.

Several of the first trips led to minor problems that dad and I have been able to resolve, including installing a new bilge pump, leaning out the carb on cold days, just minor stuff like that.

So, we are still new to this sport, but are quickly getting hooked. Looks like a lifelong addiction getting started here :cheers:
It's a great feeling that you can keep bonding with your dad, and share a common interest. Water craft's are just plain clean fun.
it was so nice yesterday, I couldn't resist a little pre-holiday Dooing. Unfortunately, nobobdy was around to enjoy it which turned out to be actually kind of nice.

I dropped the boat in the water and headed up the Intracoastal. Got to open it up to see what it could do. 52 mph withthe wind at your back feels great.

Since I was alone, I took my first cruise outside through the inlet. As the surfers say, it was chest to head high and a bit sketchy. The tide was coming in and it was a real blast riding the current back in to the Intracoastal. I actually caught a couple waves with the boat and was hangin 10.

Good stuff to be able to do this time of year...hope everyone has happy holidays.
Typical December Day in Florida

Another day in Paradise, water temp 72* air 82* clean clear water, both my kids on board my Challenger jet boat. Cruising around the ICW, watching dolphins, looking at the people tubing and sunbathing on the beaches, nice cool breeze, blue sky's, cold beverage....ahhhhh what a day to be alive.:)
Another boring day at the beach...

I took the ski out on a small surf day to test out the new trim adjustment. i have the trim set at the middle setting and the ski takes off much faster. Anna (my wife) came along which is good because I ended up needing her help getting the ski and trailer out of the water. She actually came in the water in her dry clothes and helped me get the ski on the trailer as the waves were not cooperating with me, the ski, and the trailer.

Small waves, so the airs were not too high, and the carving on the waves was not as good as some days, but the camera was in the truck so we got some shots to share...:hurray:


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And one more pic...

I cannot stress how well my wife did today. She got some decent pictures, helped with pulling the boat out and towing me home, and kept the beers cold until I got done skiing:D

It was a little cold, though. About 65 air, water maybe 63-65 water temps. May have one more day to mess with the ski before I tear it down for a new wear ring.


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