seadoo xp 95 start problem

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New Member
when hit the start button nothing happens
only hear one buzzer sound

after hitting the button about 5 times
starts strong

that you feel may be failing

start/stop button
or mpem

thank guy.
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If you're hearing one long beep when you attach the lanyard I would suspect the lanyard post, try cleaning the post really well. If that doesn't work replace the lanyard post.

is a short beep
you press the button, the gauges come on but the machine doesn't turn over, if you press the button several times the ski start.

mr. LOU

seadoo xp 95
no dess system
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not the beep sound
come when hitting the start button
several time
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I found the problem
the lanyard wire was loose

if remove the lanyard and hit the button repeatedly
we hear a beeep.
I hope it helps someone
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