Active Member
So I took my brand new SBT 720 engine number 2 and installed. Backed the old speedster off my ramp to give initial test fire. Low and behold she's locked up tight. Drag her out and took 2 days to pull the motor. After screwing around another 5 hours found out it was the rotary valve cover. Here's how. Clearances were right on, 0.13 inches, but every time I tightened the last nut, the motor would lock up??? Took it back to SBT found out when they machine these covers they don't compensate for the area where the rotary valve gear fits into the cover so the flat face of the gear compression binds to the cover when you tighten it. So whats their solution you may ask? Go fix it yourself, machine it, dremal it, whatever. Their engine, their cover, your problem. Oh yea, they said they knew about this!!!!! Wow could of saved me a little time ya think. Maybe even could of gone boating before it cools down...NOT. Ok Ok a bitchy sailor is a happy sailor so they say, but if you ever put on a SBT rotary valve cover check for good clearance on the gear.

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