Sad day


Well-Known Member
It was a sad day. Winterized the Ski's today. It's 44 degrees out today and low 50's tomorrow. Winter this way comes~! Maybe if we bought wet suits? Gumbe exposure suits?
I tell you what, Key West would be my pick for retiremet. Year round Jet Ski riding! Never needing to turn the heat on. What a life!
our summer here is about to begin already up in the 30s C temps and seems like its gonna be a nice calm day today... I'm thinking ride time.. I'm a bit like coastiejoe .... sure don't miss the cold snowy temps.
I opened the garage tonight to get a screw driver. The door goes up and light comes on. There sits our Ski's. Crickets are chirping. Then I realize, it's 8 months till I ride again! How sad!
I hate Ohio sometimes.
This has been a bad fall season.After Labor Day the weather just dropped right off! Went from mid 80's to 60's in a week! The Ski's never left the garage after labor day. If it was not raining, it was cold. Summer just ended!
You guys need a winter hobby. I put my Doo in winter storage here a week or so ago, but kept the bikes available till last weekend.

It finally shot a few flurries up this direction, so they got stabilized and covered. This also allowed room in the garage for the winter toys! Now I get to start wrenching and polishing on the sleds. We hope to be on good snow within 30 days!! WOO WOO!

I swear by the fact that a person appreciates seasons when you actually have them. Those folks in southern states have no sense of urgency to abuse each and every beautiful day. When you only have a certain number of days each summer, you tend to make the most of them.

Now my brain has shifted to making the most of each and every snowy day till the thaw! I hate tweener season though. This time of year is depressing with no throttle activity! Even my 13 year old is jacked. She asks quite often when the snow will come.

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while snowmobiling looks fun i still can't get my head around the flying around at high speed in the cold. It was so cold here last year that there were times i dreaded getting the mail, let alone flying around at 60mph through 5 degree temperatures.
That's where the confusion comes in. It's all about the gear. We dress for sub zero and sleds that push triple digits on a regular basis. The speed limit may say 50 on MN trails, but not in Michigan. Many miles have been spent above the C-note on a 160+hp Yamahammer!!

Last season we got to really prove our gear when we spent quite a few days at -15f. It was a butt cold winter and we were not denied sled time. +5 is balmy when you have the right gear.

Once a person has put on 110 miles in that cold, you know you are having fun! Average day in MN is 100 miles. Michigan is an easy 150+ miles per day. Good times for sure. One morning we put on 90 miles before breakfast on our way to Copper Harbor in Michigan.

Another season we went a couple hundred miles into a remote portion of Ontario. We had to toboggan our fuel, booze, food 9 miles each way to a cabin with only wood and gas heat. -20f and the sleds still started.
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Our season came to an abrupt end this morning, welcome to the Great Lakes last one out turn off the lights till spring.

I had heard that Green Bay was forecasted for a potential 3" of snow!

We had 17f this morning on the way to work. That's what we need is the ground and water to freeze up before the snow starts.
Yep, snow flying will slow down the ski and boat use for sure..

CJ, you've been here for 30+ days now, so you can officially start mocking the poor bastards up north, mock them often and with pictures.


ps... when you get bored... gps the drive time to this address:
1 Locks Access Rd
Lorida, FL 33857
I'm guessing its just short of 3 hours depending on exactly where you are. (Its two for me)

But we'll be doing a Kissimmee River run in November, if we can work it around your work schedule I'd love for you to come and enjoy some of the best twisties that south Florida has to offer & see some big azz mama gators on the shoreline. We'll be making two 60 mile runs with fuel top off between the two.
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I kind of sort of want to. But I KNOW their misery. LOL. Although it was 88 degrees at 5pm. Darn these cold days.

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CJ, you've been here for 30+ days now, so you can officially start mocking the poor bastards up north, mock them often and with pictures.


It's not like we can mock back this time of year, this was about 4:45 this afternoon or so right as the poor kids were coming out to trick or treat.
We had our first snow tonight. My Wife and I were driving to dinner and you could see it in the head lights! The GREAT PART is the south will share in our cold this weekend!
Even if it gets this far south, I will still be happy as I know it is only temporary.

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Even if it gets this far south, I will still be happy as I know it is only temporary.

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you won't see any here... if by some freak chance (we saw some in like 94) it will last like an hour..

south florida, especially near the coast is amazingly mild, even better on the gulf side, even harsh fronts don't last long down here, and what "we" consider god awful, most transplants that have been here less than a year consider a nice spring day. Invest in a nice neoprene or dry top, and your riding year round, assuming you can find an idiot to go out with you. (harder than you think, we're wimps)
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I'm just happy not to experience Ohio weather anymore. If I want snow, I'll drive to it. I have lots of wetsuit type stuff. Might be over kill here though. LOL.

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