I agree!.....
I agree completely!.........it's like going into a store and finding out that some expensive cleaner of some sort has nothing more than sodium hypochlorite in it, which is common bleach, that you could buy for half the price.
In the RXT comments, its the same with boats/cars or any other form of motorized toy. They put an extra letter or number on it, a different color and maybe a small change and then, inflate the price terribly.
The RXT is already the fastest stock watercraft on the market. With the capability of 255 horse power, I don't see how anyone or any manafacturer could make something any faster. So, I think they are looking for extra ways of making more money.
Look at the new IS (intellengence suspension) model RXT. It's got handle brakes on it like a motorcycle!.....now that's, in my opinion, dumb!.....they have connected the bucket reverser to a handle bar so that as you pull on it, it slowly lowers itself into the forward stream of the nozzle, acting as a break. So, instead of paying that extra couple thousand bucks, why can't we just continue to break like we always have, by pulling the bucket down by the shifter......?
Maybe I'm just getting old fashion, but sometime, something new just really doesn't seem new. Just cost inflation.
BTW, the braking system of the new IS isn't the only smart feature, it has many other new i changes, including throttle control, electronics and suspension.:cheers: