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Running on one cylinder

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New Member
I have a 2003 gti le with the 717 engine. It has fire and compression to both cylinders but is only running on the front hole. I have not tried to take it apart yet but was thinking it could be the rotary valve. Please help.
If you have access to a compression tester, check the compression to make sure it is good. If comp is good, remove the plug from the running cylinder and swap it to the non-running cylinder. You can also cut the plug wire back 1/4" or so. Sometimes they get corrosion in the end where the boot is and can cause weak spark. Good Luck, keep us posted.
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I have done these things and have good compression and a strong spark. I will try the plug wire trick and see what that does.Thanks
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Do you have only one carb as this is what I would think that you have. [But I can allways be wrong]. If you have two carbs I would say the the carb that is conected to the no ignition cylinder is the problem. I think that you only may have one carb if so and you have good compression I would say that cylinder that is not responding is due to bad plug or wire if this is a wasted spark system. I can only guess that it is. Good luck Robin :cheers:
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