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RPM problem

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New Member
The problem is when boat hits RPM's above 3500-4500 it wants to cut out, I can run it no problem as long as it does not go over that. (things I have done), cleaned and switched out fuel selector valves, put all new fuel lines in, put new inline filters in, carbs have been rebuilt, and after problem started I switched carbs from one engine to the other, I switched fuel lines going from one side to the other, I know now its not a fuel delivery problem, I also disconected the red wire from the rectifier and ran it ...didnt help:ack:
sounds like it could be a coil breaking down under load? Have you tried switching them around to see if it follows the coil or engine?
Try the neutral safety switch at the throttle lever, it might be stuck closed. Disconnect it and try again. If this solves the problem, replace the switch.

If it was the switch chester wouldnt it affect both engines? The other engine runs great. I value your judgement chester and all help is more then welcome!!!!!!!!!!! This one has me going bonkers:ack:
I did the plug wires and plugs Tim, no luck....How do InDisconnect the wire between the mpem and coil leaving the coil connected to the stator? do I disconnect @ the coil where the plug wires run into, or on top of the flywheel cover?
guy on other thread, had same problem, and when he lifted hatch..WHAM, motors kicked in, until shut'n it. So, maybe its airflow with yours?
O.K. problem solved! I disconnected the BK/RD/GR wire that ran to the MPEM for the rev limiter, I guess the rev limiter in the MPEM (ECM) is bad, Now question is can I get by with that disconnected and run like that without hurting anything other than blowing the reverse gate off?
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