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round thing next to fuel filter????

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New Member
I posted a few weeks ago and i finally got to removing the fuel switch. I ran one line from the tank to the fuel filter in the back of the ski and the other one goes straight to the carbs. I looked in the shop manual and it dose not tell me what that round thing by the fuel filter is that is mounted next to it.(I thought it was the shut off valve and the manual shows something else which i dont have) One line runs from the tank to the filter then to that round thing then 2 lines come off the round thing. One going to the carbs and another going straight to the motor. Im confused :confused: Maybe if I had a diagram on where I should be running these lines. Im trying to test if the carbs are pulling fuel but i just dont know what to do anymore :(
fuel pump gets clogged, and yeah, can/will weaken, the gaskets, diaphrams' inside.

Line coming off the block, is the pulse line.
i did open it up at one point and everything looked clean and the plastic diaphrams appeared to be in good shape. i know if i can just get the fuel system up i can get this baby running again
pulse line

so the line coming out of the block? what does that do? and dose the pump go bad?

the pulse line transmitts a pressure/vacum pulse to drive the fuel pump ..

So, inadvertally, if the pulse is bad, cracked..etc, then yeah, the pupm will not work, correctly.
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ok, am i getting in over my head with this project? cause i have never worked on these things before. have learned alot since i started on this one last year. should i just bring it to a mechanic?
Unless you have a friend who is a Mechanic or you have alot of money I suggest you don't bring in a mechanic. The bill to fix a 1990 is going to be crazy high.

My suggestion is take your time, read alot about this stuff while your not able to work on it. Watch some youtube videos and if you are unsure about something take a picture and post it here. Also when you first start taking stuff off/putting it on document it. Will make it alot easier when putting it back on.

I have been fixing/toying with the inside of mine for almost a year now. Before that I couldn't even tell you what a 2-stroke was. Its alot of fun and alot cheaper to do it yourself, most dealerships are going to want over 1,000 just to look at it.
that round thing is the fuel pump, you have a pulse line an in and an out.

if you want to test it, get some hose.... run the inlet hose to a jar of gas and put a new line to the pulse, gently quickly breath in and out on the other end of the pulse line and you will be acting like the motor pulse, it will start to pump gas if it is good. that will tell you if it is good or bad.
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