Rich/lean questions


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Premium Member
I’ve seen a fair number of threads here of people showing their plugs and I’ve come to realize that as far as I know all of my machines appear to be running rich according to reading the plugs. All my plugs are black, never the tan/beige that indicates a proper mixture. All of my machines run perfectly, no bogging or hesitations at any rpm range, not even my 787’s . Here are my questions 1. Can a plug be read from simply driving it normally hitting all rpm ranges or would ( I can’t remember the proper term) plug chopping ( riding at a certain rpm and then cutting the engine and reading the plug then be required? I would think to get an accurate reading you would need to ride at a certain rpm and shut the machine off. 2. If I am in fact running a slightly rich mixture would that increase engine life in the long term? 3. Would running slightly leaner make the machine slightly more responsive/faster?
It is a delicate balance. If it runs perfectly and a little rich that is ideal and the best for the engine. If it is a little lean it will make a little more power but only really necessary for competition. Just a little leaner still and it will make even more power but will seize.

As far as plug reading it only really works with brand new plugs and a WOT plug chop. As soon as you ride normally and idle around it’s not accurate.

With your ski running great a plugs a little black I wouldn’t touch a thing.