Repairing wear ring on Mercury 240EFI M2

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Don't forget to cover the water intake holes with something first.
I spread the JB Weld around with a metal bar.

I think the factory tolerance is about the thickness of a paper clip or less between the impeller and inside wall. I wait for the JB Weld to set up for 15 or 20 minutes before I apply it. It seems to work without precision measurements. I just check that the impeller fits OK after a few hours. I slide the impeller on backwards so I can rotate it by hand to remove any high spots from the JB Weld. I might go back and add some more if there are some low spots.
Ive also heard about people welding the tips of there impellars to build them up or repair. We wouldn't get anywhere if we didn't experiment would we. :):):)

Ive also heard about people welding the tips of there impellars to build them up or repair. We wouldn't get anywhere if we didn't experiment would we. :):):)

They do weld the impellers when remanafacturing them. But, the grinding and balancing is the labor intensive part of it.

You can't just weld one because of balance.

I like the pix you put in on your "McGyver" repair. My kinda guy! I only see one thing I can question. Although it looks really smooth, you can see obvious high and low spots or ridges that would increase the chance of cavitation. I know when the only result is to blow big bucks and replace, that small amount of high and low spots, is surely worth it.

But, do you take sand paper to it to help smooth it out or do you just smooth and allow it to lay out flat as it cures?

Oh, BTW,............I keep plenty of JB weld "paste" and the kind in the "tootsie roll"..........I think people don't realize how good this stuff really is if it's used right.:cheers:
How to make smooth

The last time I did this I put on a latex glove and poured some alcohol on the JB Weld. I could get the JB Weld very smooth with my hand. This time I just let it set on its own.

I know your going to want to maintain the best clearance you can possibly get. It looks good but I wonder if the un-eveness will have any impact on performance. Just thinking about it, seems it may create some turbulence in the center of the hub. But, I guess when you look at the alternative, this is a great way to save on expenses...........:cheers:
Added more JB Weld

I added some more JB Weld to see if I could smooth out the stuff some more. After I put it on I used a paint brush and alcohol to try and smooth it out. I also waited a couple of hours and put the impeller back on and rotated it a few time to see if there was any interferance. There was. It was still soft so I was able to clean it off the impeller and smooth out the JB again. A lot of work just to save $450. It's the end of the season so maybe next year I'll break down and buy a new ring if this doesn't work out.
$450 bucks.......

Nah, I don't think it's a lot of work to save $450..... I think it's a smart move. Trial and error will eventually get you to a point where you know the right combination and will have it done in no time......and professionally!:cheers:

The boat ran great last weekend. 50+ mph. Good acceleration.

Then I think you had a great success with your repairs.

I'll be making this a sticky for members with the M-2 who might like to save the big bucks that you just saved.

It always takes one of us to be the guinea pig but in your situation, it paid off..........Great work!...........:cheers:
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