registering trailer in PA with no title

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when i bought my speedster that came with factory trailer, the guy said it was from jersey where they dont title trailers so i have no title, and therefore cant register, and therefore dont have a plate, which is a problem. anyone in PA have any experience with where to go from here? did a little research so i have some options but wondering if theres an easier way.
Not sure about P.A. but in Jersey without the old registration or title it cant be registered. But you can get it titled/registered as a homemade trailer.. Jersey makes you run in circles for it but it can be done.
Look to see what is needed in P.A. for homemade trailing
PA also makes you jump through a thousand hoops to register a homemade trailer. the tongue sticker was completely unreadable, but luckily the VIN and model number are stamped/embossed into the sticker, so i put a piece of tracing paper over it and lightly rubbed a pencil. recovered enough of the VIN and model number for the trailer manufacturer (midwest) to be comfortable enough giving me the two or three characters i got wrong, they totally saved me.

with the VIN, bill of sale, and $140 i was able to register it in vermont through this motorecycle website, had a plate and registration in <2.5 weeks. next year ill be able to transfer it to PA, but for now i have vermont tags which actually look nice. highly recommend that site.
Ask the guys at a marina who also sells used boats what they do when someone from out of state comes in to trade something in, along with a trailer that doesn't have a title? There may be some differences between a dealer transaction and a private sale, but they should be able to give you and idea since there are always "personal" sales :)

I'm about to go through the same thing in IL. Talking to the marina owners I know here, I should be able to get everything I need by bringing in the bill of sale and VIN to get a title and plate for the thing.
In Massachusetts I had the same issue registering my trailer and ended up having it written up as a home made trailer as well.
What not as painful, registry officer told me that I needed to purchase a new trailer, and if I ever upgrade I can keep the plate!
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