red light

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New Member
first time here guys have a 96 gts seadoo was running fine last time i rode it stored it for 1 and a half years now red light comes on when i go to start it runs ruff and when i had it in the water loud siren but when started moving siren went out red light stayed on but it appears to be getting oil it is smoking as if was burning it any ideas ond there is no beeps of any kind unless i push the start button several times and hold then 1 beep

With this thing sitting up for over a year, I'm going to assume it wasn't prepared for storage before you put it to sleep.
The 717 is a really good engine. There are so many things that can be wrong, I think I'd just start going over everything.
You know the mpem works, or you wouldn't have fire.
I'd say, it's most likely your carbs are either going to need to be cleaned or rebuilt.
The red light and siren.........I've never heard them with a siren before.

The advanced mode on the can try.
With the lanyard cap off, press the start stop button 5 times. You shoul hear one long and one short beep. Then, put the cap on. When you put the cap on, if you hear any other beeps, count them. Re-post them in the forum. If you don't hear any additional beeps, then that is a good sign that the engine is ready to start, providing the fuel system, etc....are clean and ready to go..........
gts 96

well did as you said pushed start button 5 times got 1 short beep then 1 long beep then put cap on starter switch and red light came on no beeps strated right up but engine surges hi then low and so on
Advanced test....

Then your advanced test is good. That means you must have something simple going on....a sensor or somthing of the like. I'm going to take a peak at the manual and see what I can come up with. Check this post again later and see if I've edited with more info.

MORE INFO: O.K., I looked in the manual and I need more info about the red light. Is it the little light on the fuel gage, that signals low oil? Or is it one of the LED gages? As for the surging, it may be caused from the amount of time it sat up. You may end up cleaning the carbs........
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the light that comes on is the oil light i assume because it is right beside the oil indacator but i think it is getting oil because it is smoking like it is burning oil and can smell it
Is the injector tank full of oil? The light comes on when the level is low. If the light is on and the level is not low than the switch is bad.
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