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ProTorque Starter for XP


I ordered a Protorque starter instead of the stock Seadoo due to the specs they listed. (I realized after I orderd it I could have bought it at a discount since it is a WSM stocked part.)
I ordered the PH100-SD03-G since it is supposed to be a higher powered unit compared to stock. However even though it does have an 8 spoke sprocket it DOES NOT have 4 brushes as their site states. The company responded to my complaint by stating the older units never had a 4 brush model but the unit I ordered is supposed to be better quality than than standard S and R replacement models and comes with a two year warranty. I don't know if it is really any better than their standard model and I suspect the extra cost is simply buying a 2 year versus 1 year warranty. I really like the idea of 4 brushes in the starter and was disappointed to see only 2 when I cracked the case open. Quality is nice and comparable to my older Aqua Torque model (9 tooth) which sometimes has issues turning over my 800. I am hoping this 8 tooth starter has no issues turning over my high compression 800.
Went to install the Protorque starter after clear coating it to prevent rust and had issues trying to mount it. Finally compared it to the older Aqua unit and noticed that the rear cover does not line up properly so the rear support will not seat. For a $200 starter I did not expect this type of poor workmanship since this is a WSM top of their line starter. I do not know if I can remove the rear bolts and turn the body and rear cover with the brushes to twist it about 30 degrees to where it should be. I have sent a note to the company complaining about this issue.
The best starters are OEM and it doesn’t matter what the aftermarket ones say they are never as good.

The aftermarket “high torque “ starters are only high torque because they have an 8-tooth bendix which Seadoo switched to in 1996 so it’s marketing bs.

You have to install the rear support bracket no matter what or the starter will destroy itself.
I tried to clock it and it did not work...only one set of holes for the body bolts. I will need to drill another set of mounting holes in the thick rear support bracket. Hard to drill but doable. If this thing causes any issues at all during cranking for the next two years I will definitely put in a warranty claim for a new one... keeping all paperwork.
Drilled holes in the rear support bracket and looks like it will line up and bolt up correctly. Took me hours and a dozen drill bits. That rear support bracket is really strong heavy gauge steel! HF drill bits couldn't touch it.
It’s stainless steel. Cobalt bits, slow speed and cutting fluid. Stainless work hardens.