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post operation cleaning

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New Member
hello friends,im a newbie so please be understanding.ok i got a 2000 millenium rx upraded cabrs a a bore.i was a the ocean racing other jetskis having fun, runnig with no problems but when i got in to clean my jetski i messed up,i think,so help me with some thoughts.
1.im idoling normally, using "saltaway" with my garden hose in the hole, turned off the fule nob on the right side of my jetski,pulled out the hose,3 seconds later, it sguts down by it self by fule starvation, witch i have no problem.
2.i forgot to clean/lube the carbs with fogging oil/ spray inside the cyclinders.i turn the fuel back on and start it up, ( with out the hose pluged in thinking this will only be quick,i know so stupid)i cut the fuel off as well as spray the lube down the carbs,it supposed to just bog out but at first it was but 3 seconds later the rpms started going high,then higher,i ran to grab the water hose shovedit back in the hole noticed water was coming out of the proper places after about 5 seconds, it finaly shut down from food starvation.
i say when the rpm was reving high it was probally hiting 4000-5000 rpm.i know it was probally bad....i know, please leave me some insight on the subject.THANK YOU FRIENDS
Normally an engine will run "lean" when you cut the fuel off, as it starves for fuel, it sucks more air which will also cause the RPM to increase somewhat. I would not suggest stopping your engine in such a manner. Provided you are using good fuel and you arent storing your ski for too long without running it the fuel should not create any carb oxidization.

I dont think that you would have caused any damage this time but I wouldnt make it a common practice. Its the kind of thing that would cause damage if repeated a few times.:coolgleam:
thanks woski27 4 the reply.i was hopeing itwas because it was to run lean when i did that cause man the rpms went pretty high for 5-10 seconds but it did not hit the rev limiter.so i will not shut off the fuel with the fuel cut off again.but one strange thing was that when the revs went high,i was panicing so i tryed to pull the lanyard out but it did not kill the motor,as well as pressed the start/stop button but it did not kill the motor, do you know why?
Thanks again for the reply.

You had what is called a runaway motor. It's kinda like dieseling.

The words from Woski should be understood well. Never shut off your fuel on a ski. Running lean doesn't just cause your cylinders to get hot, you remove the oiling of the motor, which could lead to permanent scaring of the cylinder walls and might add, doesn't do your bearinngs much good.

If your worried about the fuel sitting up, remember, this isn't your lawnmower that has a carb bowl on it, stored with a lot of fuel. If your going to let it sit up for a few months, get some fuel stabilizer in it and run it for a spell to make sure it's all the way through the carbs..........

You likely did no harm to your motor. In the manuals, we are warned about reving the motors with no load on them because of the "runaway" affect. You should never rev a Rotax when it has no torque on it. You can start the Rotax for up to about 10 or 15 seconds with no water. It won't hurt. But if you ever hear the constant beep, then shut it down. Don't panic, just shut if off.

If you ever get into a position where it won't shut off, pull and hold the choke. You'll starve it for oxygen and it will die.

You'll be fine....................:cheers:
thanks seadoosnipe.both you and woski, much appreciation. thanks for telling me about the choke also.ill use it in a emergency situation. thanks for understanding why i wanted to shut off the jetski by the fuel cut of,it is cause i dont want standing fuel in the lines and stuff or as much as possible.Thanks again,peace
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