Possible Bad Stator?


Active Member
2009 GTI SE-155 Battery light is flickering randomly and the message "12V High" pops up every so often. I changed the rectifier with an OEM part but that didn't work. I'm thinking it could be the stator. How involved is it to replace?
12V is DC, stator/magneto generates AC, High DC Voltage is regulated by the regulator/rectifier which you replaced. Stator is easily tested. I would guess you have corrosion/green crusties in a wire or connection. Check your battery cables and all ground connections. Excessive voltage drop in a circuit is a good sign of corrosion.
Also,,, check the wiring at the connector above the stator housing,,, over time sometimes the yellow wires will burn up,,,
Went over everything carefully and there isn't any significant corrosion anywhere. Just a little on a couple of the grounds. I cleaned them up but it didn't help. I talked to my Sea Doo guy about it and he said it's most likely a bad winding in the stator. He can test it for me but said $900 to replace. That includes the cost of the new OEM stator. I'll have him do the starter as well since the engine has to come out. I've been having hard starts which he said was signs of the starter going bad. Should I stick with OEM or is SBT or DB Electrical ok?
Bad winding in a stator you would get 12V low, I found one other post of 12V High and a new battery and voltage regulator/rectifier fixed the problem. Absolutely make sure you used a OEM regulator/rectifier. China junk will claim OEM. Load test your battery out of the ski or get a new one. Seadoo stators are pretty much bullet proof.
12v high is almost always a bad rectifier or ECU. You can test the stator easily, follow the manual.
The rectifier I just put in was purchased from the "Sea-Doo Parts" link at the top of the page so it was OEM. However, I know that just because it's a new part doesn't mean it's a good part. I wonder if I got a bad one. I wish I had saved the old one. The battery is brand new also. I have the downloaded manual but can't find where it tells how to test the stator. I'm going to bring it to my Sea Doo mechanic and just let him test it.
Take it off and connect the red wire to a battery positive and then a black wire earthed out on the starter.
This will see if it working or now
Take it off and connect the red wire to a battery positive and then a black wire earthed out on the starter.
This will see if it working or now
The engine needs to come out in order to take it off! There must be a way to test it while still in the ski.
It's a 5 minute test of the AC voltage while running at the connector coming out the pto housing.
Really I removed mine without removing the engine from the RXT300
Maybe yours is different. It says mine can be done with the engine in the ski but it makes a mess when you pull the PTO cover off and what little oil you couln't suck out spills into the bottom of the hull! I just bought another new rectifier to see if it works. I bought one from DB Electrical so it wasn't too much. If it fixes the problem I will order another OEM for when the cheap one goes. In the mean time we are going to test the stator to see what the output voltage is doing.