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No power after few minutes


New Member

This season is being very bad for my seadoo. The previous season I only used it two or three times because I needed to replace/rebuild the impeller. I've done at the begin of this season and now this run perfectly. But at the begin of the season, the first day I used it, seems like it had limited on RPM. I couldn't rev up pass 3000RPM. I thought it maybe was the spark plugs. But after several minutes trying to ride (maybe 30 minutes), it started to working correctly. But an hour after it works correctly, another time started to running bad (not reving up over 3000RPM) and the went to the dock.

After this, I replaced the spark plugs and changed oil and filter. The next day I used it, did something similar, but at the begin runs fine, maybe an hour and then, after the hour it starts not reving up. Then I replaced the ignition coils and tried again: the same but even before (after 10 minutes). Try again the old ignition coils and the same: 10 minutes and fails. Also I tried a chines rectifier, but only to start the engine and it start beeping. I put the old rectifier and no beeps (I will return the chines rectifier). Yesterday, the last try was to disconnect the original rectifier to see if happens the same and yes: after 10 minutes the engine stalls and not revving up. If I wait 4 or 5 minutes and starts again, it run correctly maybe 2 or 3 minutes and then not revving up again.

Yesterday recorded two videos (ignore the beeps, it's caused by the low fuel sensor):
(look my throttle finger)

Here at the begin runs "correctly" but after a some seconds lost the power and I couldn't revving up.

If you see on the video, I pushing the throttle at full but it almost doesn't move. Also, It's like the turbo it's not working. When I push at full throttle, It doesn't accelerate as fast as other years and I didn't feel the power of the turbo. Also, from the start of this season, it started hardly every time I start it. When the battery was new, the starter was 1 second at most. Now I need to push during 2 or 3 seconds to start (and yesterday was 3 or 4 seconds) and also sometimes the starter it's like spins free (like the bendix doesn't engage). The battery is from May of 2020. Maybe this is the cause of all the problems? It's possible that when after some minutes of use of the battery, start failing? Also I cleaned the ground wire to the engine block (it was ok).

yes it won't run with a dead cell in the battery, battery when troubleshooting should always be first.