New Member
Last ride I noticed my drain plugs on my 2011 Seadoo GTI 155 SE were tough to screw in. I lubricated them and unknowingly tightened them to tight. When I cleaned it all up I unscrewed the right drain plug and no issue. Well the left one was very right and I accidentally put to much pressure and the whole drain plug housing unit started turning and the separated from the stern bulkhead. I then was able to remove the drain plug from the housing and did my research and was planning on buying a new assembly and putting in with help until I used my boro scope and saw a pump is blocking any chance of replacing the part. So I can see the plastic thread rotating thru the hull but it’s not secured where I can screw the assembly back in. I have a closed pictures and do not know what to do. My Jetski is on a lift in a canal. Do I try: Glue the thread that is still in the hull that rotates and hope it sets properly and try to thread the assembly back in? Or simply glue the whole assembly to the hull using 3M Marine Adheasive Sealant 5200 or try and get it to a seadoo shop and god knows what that will cost to remove the pump blocking the drain plug housing assembly thread that’s inside the hull. Has this happened to anyone??????? Please help