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Peculiar stutter/stumble at WOT with TWO identical 1990 Sea Doo SP machines

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I have two identical 1990 Sea Doo SP machines. They were bought new together and they've been in our family with most of those years at my parents' cabin in Canada, getting very minimal use. Due to the fact that they didn't see much use in Canada, they have maybe about 750 hours on them (possibly less). They've been winterized and summerized properly each year, and still have around 130-135 psi compression.
Carbs and fuel pumps were rebuilt and new fuel lines at the beginning of 2022.
They have run great through the first 32 years, until last summer. We took them out for a 4th of July weekend and one had a dead starter ( par for the course, right???). Therefore, we didn't do any real riding on them because they aren't as much fun solo as in pairs. Had the starter rebuilt and I reassembled it.
While I had them out of service, I noticed the jet pump sleeves were almost gone, so I rebuilt the jet pumps while they were on the trailer. Both got OSD rebuild kits, including shaft bearings and seals (and an anti-rattle cone conversion).
Took them out for a spin and both started out fine, but after about 5 - 10 minutes of riding (not exactly sure - I don't wear a watch), they both developed a intermittent stumble or stutter at wide open throttle. What else is strange is that if you stop and sit for several minutes, it goes away for a minute or two but comes right back.
So, here we are, at the beginning of the next season, and I still am at a loss. I checked fuel, oil, plugs, wires (they ohm'd good), and even took a well seasoned 2-stroke & hi-perf jet ski buddy out on them to see what he thought (he said maybe it's time to sell them...)
So, I humbly ask: Have any of you experienced anything like this on your machine? The common denominator seems to be the jet pump rebuild. Is there any way that could be connected?
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Hi, just wondering if you have figured out the WOT stutter issue. I purchased 2 -1991 Seadoos this summer and having the same issue with one unit above 1/2 Throttle. New plugs/ carb rebuild/ new fuel lines.

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