I have had a couple members express comments of un-favorable experiences with purchases made over the internet. Either through a member in the "buy/sale/trade" section or through an online distributer, like our Seadoowarehouse (which I haven't heard anything bad on them yet).
I want to leave this thread as a sticky for a while till all members, who'd like to respond, has had time to make their say.
I have heard comments about SBT charging after they sent their core back because of damage or wasn't a rebuildable core from someone getting the wrong part. Although most will accept a return and send you another part, you still have to pay again for shipping, which could lead to some hefty charges.
Please feel free to leave any comments or experiences of your own. Please, keep it clean and cordial..........:cheers:
I want to leave this thread as a sticky for a while till all members, who'd like to respond, has had time to make their say.
I have heard comments about SBT charging after they sent their core back because of damage or wasn't a rebuildable core from someone getting the wrong part. Although most will accept a return and send you another part, you still have to pay again for shipping, which could lead to some hefty charges.
Please feel free to leave any comments or experiences of your own. Please, keep it clean and cordial..........:cheers: