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Washer dropped in rotary valve


Active Member
Hey guys, had a broken motor mount, so i took the motor out, cleaned out the hull, rebuilt the carb, and was about to put the engine back in l, but decided to remove the oil pump to bench test it since the oil lines were plugged and try to set up the engine with the oil injection again. While trying to put the oil pump back in, I dropped the split washer from the last 5mm Allen screw through the open port in the rotary valve on the PTO side.
I know I should have put a rag, and I was thinking to myself to put a rag in there before I drop something in, and in it went.
That's not the worse part, the worse part is that I tried to take the engine head off and cracked the 1st 11mm bolt loose, and the 2nd one the head broke off.
The engine in question is from a 1997 GTI with a 717 engine single carb.
1. I tried putting in telescoping magnets trying to retrieve it and tilting the engine, did not work
2. I tried shop vacuuming it out, it did not work either, that's why I attempted to take off the head and the olan was to proceed all the way down to the crankshaft.
3. I tried spinning the PTO wheel and it spins without a problem, while hearing the pressure build up, but I don't think I can leave it down there for fear that will create damage down the road, can I?
4. I would like to attempt to take it apart again, but I don't want to snap another bolt, can I take off the spark plugs and spray WD-40 hopefully it will get into the head bolts?
5. Leave it alone and send it out as a core and buy a rebuilt one? If so, anyone know someone reputable, I live in central NJ, can drop it off in the tristate area: NY, NJ, PA and even DE or MD.

Any ideas would help, thanks.


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The washer is stainless so a magnet isnt going to help. Did you have the rotary valve cover on or off when this happened?
DaddyLoafin, the rotary valve cover was off so I could remove the oil pump gear, but the disc itself was on.
DaddyLoafin, the rotary valve cover was off so I could remove the oil pump gear, but the disc (valve) itself was on.
DaddyLoafin, the rotary valve cover was off so I could remove the oil pump gear, but the disc itself was on.
ahhh that sucks, didn't realize the oil pump was on the RV cover on these engines.
What I would do is get a borescope and put it through the port it dropped into and see if you can find it and possibly get it out with something. Should be able to rent one at like AutoZone or something.
Thanks, will give that a try. If that doesn't work, and I already snapped the head of 1 bolt, should I try using a manual impact driver or these new battery impact drivers to loosen the rest of the head cover bolts?
Thanks, will give that a try. If that doesn't work, and I already snapped the head of 1 bolt, should I try using a manual impact driver or these new battery impact drivers to loosen the rest of the head cover bolts?
someone else is gonna have to help you with getting seized bolts out.
😂 Your story sucks so bad you gotta laugh. I just removed my Rotary valve cover as well to service it. While working on it, I stopped myself, to put a rag in the holes after thinking, "what if something falls down this hole", a few seconds later a washer fell right in the hole. The rag stopped it but my heart still hurt thinking of what just happened.

Maybe a cheap bore camera may help? It'll fit it the hole and maybe see the washer to give you an idea of what to do?
Thanks SabotageR1, I did go through my mental rolodex of curse words in English and my native language out loud, then walked away. My wife knows better when she hears me curse in my language.
And the hits keep on coming... .
I started taking the head bolts off, 6 out of 12 came off, the other 6 sheared off. Moved over to the exhaust manifold, 2 out of 8 came off, 5 started to strip, 1 sheared off. Moved over to the magneto side, 9 out of 12 came off, 3 sheared off, took the cover off and the flywheel was in immaculate condition. The bolts though had white stuff (salt maybe sand) the entire length of the threads, and some seemed slightly bent. I wonder if the engine had overheated at some point.
I just purchased 2 new Seadoos GTI 170SE's for the wife and kids, but I am not giving up on fixing this yet.
Remember, all this started with a small washer falling in through the rotary valve.


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It doesn't look too bad since the bolts looks like they broke off at the top. you should be able to pry the head off and use some heat and a grip plier to remove those bolts. Are you using an impact gun or something for so many bolts to snap off?
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That sure looks like a saltwater engine.
Heat from a propane torch and PB blaster are going to help.
Get new bolts and a full WSM gasket kit from PWC Muscle and you should be back in business.
SabotageR1, i used a 1/2" drive extension ratchet, and to use a 14" cheater bar to get them to move, then tried a small DeWalt battery operated impact driver but that wasn't doing anything, then went back to the ratchets. As the bolts were coming up, small white powder was coming up the hole like crystallized salt or fine sand.
MikiDymac, i was thinking about the heat but was afraid since the head and cylinder housings seem to be some kind of cast aluminum alloy. If apply heat, I am assuming to heat the bolt and not the case, correct? Then I would think spray the PB Blaster and as it gets cool and contracts, hopefully the PB Blaster will creep inside the threads.