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Oil consumption

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New Member
I'm new to jet ski's and was wondering how much oil does a 1999 GTI hold and how often should I be filling the oil resevoir? I just topped off my 1999 GTI last night and it used quite a bit (a half bottle of the XP-S). I'm just wondering how often I need to be filling it considering I ride every Saturday and Sunday.

if you just topped it off, then you got inner issues, with motor....inner seals, rv seal.

I top off my bottle, and its good all year. So unless you drive 100hrs a weekend, cant see you burning the amount you say, your left with. Remove the plugs, ground the wires to the ground post, and with rag over holes, kick motor over. Bet there'll be substantial oil on rag...:(
Sorry I forgot to mention I just bought the ski last weekend so I don't really know how long or how much was originally in there. When I say it used alot I meant I poured alot in there to fill it not that I filled it and then filled it again. lol. The ski ran like a champ last weekend so I don't think there are any issues. No oil in the engine area at all. I was just curious if I fill it up if it will last all summer.... and you answered my question perfectly so thanks!!!
I ride a lot. I go through between 2-3 gallons per season. I just top the oil off everytime I fill her up with gas. That way, I know there is always oil in there.
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