Well, here's the straight answer!
O.K. DAWG, ROBIN.........ya'll were killing me!..........this has gone on long enough. The principles in which the two of you seem to agree on, goes against everything I've ever learned in the theory of how the 2 cycle and 4 cycle engines work.
The models I've posted on line for you to look at, show an obvious spark on the upper (compbustion) stroke on the animation and no spark at all when the model is down on the exhaust/intake stroke.
Now, because I had to get to the bottom of this, I went out to my 787, where I already have the heads removed and the pistons open, which has allowed me to see TDC and BTDC and I grounded both my plugs with grounding clips.
No, hears the good part, when I roll my engine over, THERE IS SPARK ON THE TOP STROKE AND BOTTOM STROKE. BOTH PLUGS DO IGNITE AT THE SAME TIME!.....I will never mind admitting when I'm wrong and here, I'm obviously wrong.
Thanks for not letting this die you two, because I may have gone on the rest of my life believing something that wasn't true. But, it did take me to go out and perform the test myself to make sure of what you were saying. Sometime, you just got to find out for yourself.
Good job Dennis and Robin...........I say, stay on top of me. If you think I'm giving out bum dope, call me out on it.
I'm only human too and am just as foulable as the next person.
Now, get rid of that big head, we got work to do. Let's get this guys PWC fixed. Dennis, find out about the air being sucked in between the carbs and Robin, tell him to make more responses if he wants something done in this forum.
Oh, ya'll make sure you bookmark this post.........it ain't often I admit I'm wrong!................:cheers: