New substitute replacements for the original Seadoo 275000051 oil filters


New Member
I noticed that it is almost impossible to get the original SeaDoo oil filters without paying an outrageous amount that is unreasonable. The market is now flooded with the chinese ones that all look alike and are partially transparent.

When you look at them the black or silver part you see inside is one end of the paper filament and the other end which has a hole in it is at the end with the larger diameter. Oil is intended to enter on the smaller end and flow towards the larger end which should be placed on the side towards the engine. This way the oil flows to the outside of the paper element and then passes through the paper element to the center and from there it passes through the metal end with the hole in it (larger diameter end) to the oil pump. Putting the oil filter in backwards decreases the total filtering area by probably 50% at least.

My concern is how much resistance to oil flow this creates. I have not had the chance to test with oil but will in a day or two. However using water (which was a higher surface cohesion) I was surprised at how restrictive the filter was and water did not just pour out quickly when filled. Since this is just a gravity fed filter with possibly a small vacuum on the side of the from the oil pump I am wondering if these filters tend to restrict the oil flow since these machines are not like the 4 strokes that have a pressurized filtering system.
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No it will not change the flow. Even seadoo changed the direction of flow years ago. Just follow the flow arrow and don't overthink this, the engines use such a small amount of oil, flow isn't going to be an issue.

Seadoo has discontinued the filters so aftermarket is the only option, I trust WSM.
There is no arrow on many of the aftermarket filters. I took one of the new fitlers and did a test. Blew through it to make sure it had air flow and then poured water into it as a test. Water would NOT go though the filter. I then removed the water and shook it out. I could NOT blow through it. Let it sit overnight thinking it would the morning I still could not blow through it. Water saturation on the paper filter basically ruined it. Took another filter and poured oil into it to see the output rate ...the oil did start coming out ....not fast but probably fast enough to keep the pump filled...a small little stream but not a gusher.
Well, it isn't a water filter, it is an oil filter. Water could swell the filter media causing it to block flow or it could be hydrophobic and not allow water through.
Yes, instead of testing it with water, test it with 2T oil. My advice though would be to buy from or OSD marine and leave the amazon stuff alone