new owner

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thanks man. I think I'm going to have the wheels on the trailer painted black to match the truck next. I think this may be it for this summer on the boat. I am thinking about making some cushions to add to the back that will snap onto the buttons for the cover. That way i'll have backrests at the back, so i can sit on the swim deck and lean back. I love the transat seats on the 210, but that boat is just more money than i wanted to spend.
Looks great. I really like the look of that boat. I really want the 210 also, but no way am i spending that much.
i know. If they 210 was around $35k, then I'd have gotten it but $42k is just too much. This boat is mainly for my daughter and her friends to have fun on, it's just an added bonus that i get to use it with my friends too. LOL
You could pick up some of the rear hatch covers that have bubbled on eBay, cut out the guts of them then pad and re trim. ( possibly even integrate a fold out like the 210) and hey if it ever didn't work out or you change your mind down the track you could always put the originals back on.

Hydroturf is a great idea too.

thanks man. I think I'm going to have the wheels on the trailer painted black to match the truck next. I think this may be it for this summer on the boat. I am thinking about making some cushions to add to the back that will snap onto the buttons for the cover. That way i'll have backrests at the back, so i can sit on the swim deck and lean back. I love the transat seats on the 210, but that boat is just more money than i wanted to spend.
Hydroturf makes it looks so much better and its a lot better than carpet. It doesn't stay wet and nasty and smell. A lot of guys sell the carpet and switch to the turf. You can just buy the turf you need by the sheet since you already have some of the boat done from the factory. Then use the carpet to make your own templates.
well that'd be for another year then. The carpet is still new, so i'll leave it till it turns funky. That's a good idea about using it as a templet tho, and it'll prob save me money over buying a kit.
The rear platform is the seadoo oem stuff they already have on ski's etc. Hydroturf is much grippier than that. I got good $ on ebay for my new carpet. Close to what I paid for the hydroturf!
A link to this install and a bit more food filling holes is also in the modify thread.
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This looks awesome! What kind of remote did you use for the swim platform? Also, how much room is there (depth) in the cavity where you installed the sub?
Good looking install I have the same boat just ordered the Polk Audio MM651um can't wait to get them installed. I was also wondering how you took the cushion off in the bow in front of the glove box. Thanks.
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