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New Battery Source


I've been buying batteries for these skis for 5 years. I buy 3 or more batteries a year. I found a new source for me. Batteries Plus. For about the same price as batteries at Auto Zone or O'Reilly's. I can get a 2 year warranty from Batteries Plus. Auto Zone has crap batteries and a crap warranty to boot. (Couple of months) I just bought a battery for my motorcycle with a 2 year warranty which is hella good for me. I asked about the Jet Ski batteries and thought I'd share. I'm gonna give them a try. Batteries last year ETX16L AGM were $109 from the companies I mentioned.

I never tried the 20.
I have an interstate battery that will be going on 8 years this season, I needed another battery last fall so I bought another interstate
I have been using Chrome Batteries for about 15 years. They cost around $55 including fast shipping. They last 4-5 years.
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Sounds like you guys have good luck with batteries. I have to admit I'm not a battery maintenance person but I do disconnect them when not riding and I don't ride my skis very often. I dislike batteries that have the floating nut to insert the terminal hold down bolt. They fall out and you have to find them and I have to finagle the nut into position so I can insert the bolt with the cable attached. I bought some cheap batteries. I pay around $110 for a battery for the skis. I'm sure it will be more this year.

I'm curious to hear how people have batteries that last 5 years? Do you ride a lot? Keep the battery on a charger?
I don’t do a lot, the old interstate had ran the winter in one of my snowmobiles, usually just goes in the shop and gets charged once or twice in the off season. I did the math and it’s actually going on it’s 9th season not it’s 8th
I got one for ya. I bought a brand new battery from Auto Zone and my cousin through his company gets a small discount so I got the battery for 88 bucks. Now it gets interesting. I did my first total rebuild, my wife's ski. We though everything engine and all. I put the new battery in there and the engine wouldn't turn over. I pulled the spark plugs and it would turn over. I did compression checks and they were a tad high at 170psi. I thought... maybe the engine needs to wear in a bit. I checked the starter, wires. I took a 1000 cold cranking amp battery and connected jumping cables to the battery and still.... I had to get the engine over the hump for it to turn over and never did get it to start. What a pain. I ended up putting an old battery in the ski and the sumbish spun over with no problems at all. So I had a brand new charged up battery that was bad and best of all I couldn't get my money back without going through my cousin so I ate the 90 bucks and bought another battery. Problem solved. I guess one could say that batteries and me just don't get along. :D :D
I usually ride about once per week. I bring them inside in the off season where it is heated and charge them periodically.
I usually ride about once per week. I bring them inside in the off season where it is heated and charge them periodically.
Yep, that ^^. Ride at least once a week sometimes more. I live on the river and the SeaDoo stays on the Jet-slide in the summer. I pull it once during the summer and top the charge off with trickle. In winter, I pull it out of the ski and put it in shop on a tinder.
I go through a battery a year it seems like as well but from Advanced. 2 of them the positive terminals cracked after a few months of use. I was going to try a local place that's like battery's plus when this one inevitably goes sometime this year..
I go through a battery a year it seems like as well but from Advanced. 2 of them the positive terminals cracked after a few months of use. I was going to try a local place that's like battery's plus when this one inevitably goes sometime this year..
I've tried a lot of different batteries. I swap them around also because I'm riding different skis and testing. I don't put them on a charger very often either.
I've tried a lot of different batteries. I swap them around also because I'm riding different skis and testing. I don't put them on a charger very often either.
This is the first year I pulled it out and put it inside on a charger for the off season. I bought a 2022 gp1800 svho in October and the dealer put in a new Honda Battery and so far, I like it but I've only used that ski once so far. It did come with much bigger nuts that go into the terminals which makes it a lot easier to get the bolt to engage with it when you have the wire ends on the bolt.
The most bad azz battery I've used is the ones from the Harley Shop. I don't know who is making them for HD but they last 5 years and I treat them ugly. Bike sits for months at a time and not on a charger. That would probably be a cool batter to convert to a single system on the boat (1996 Speedster) but I'm leaving both batteries in there. Too much BS to swap over. Somebody put a a Maintainer or charger in the boat unless it came with one.

Speedster VIN Number (14).JPEG
The most bad azz battery I've used is the ones from the Harley Shop. I don't know who is making them for HD but they last 5 years and I treat them ugly. Bike sits for months at a time and not on a charger. That would probably be a cool batter to convert to a single system on the boat (1996 Speedster) but I'm leaving both batteries in there. Too much BS to swap over. Somebody put a a Maintainer or charger in the boat unless it came with one.

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yeah i wonder who makes the batterys for honda.