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need help with carb newbie

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New Member
i recently purchased a seadoo gti and have bought the rebuilt kit and was wondering what is the easiest way o take off the throttle cables i cant afford right now to bust anyhing and also can i use normal hose clamps for the gas line or do i need to buy the crimp clamps nd i do have the shop manual but it just remove the cables
Yeah, the regular small hose clamps are fine. That's what pretty much all of us use after numerous rebuilds. If you still have the old gray fuel lines, GET RID OF THEM, and replace them with automotive fuel line of similar size. The gray ones rot from the inside out and can destroy your fuel system. I hope you bought the good Mikuni rebuild kit, instead of the cheap aftermarket one. I made that mistake and found some of the replacement parts to be junk!
i recently purchased a seadoo gti and have bought the rebuilt kit and was wondering what is the easiest way o take off the throttle cables

Here is what I did. Maybe it will be similar enough on your model you can too. I pulled the airbox, flame arrester and the flame arrester plate off. Then I removed the carbs without detaching any of the cables. There was enough cable for me to lift the carbs to the top of the engine. I laid a piece of cardboard over the top of the engine and set the carbs on it while I removed the cables. I removed the cables without touching any of the adjustments by removing the cable brackets mounted on the ends of the carbs. once the brackets where loose, I had enough play in the cable to remove from the throttle levers. Reattach in reverse order when ready to put the carbs back on.

Looks like your model only has one carb so this should be a breeze.

Oh yeah, make sure the new hose clamps are all stainless steel.
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+1 I do the same thing. There should be enough cable to rest the carbs on the top of the engine after disconnecting the fuel lines

This makes it much easier to get to the cables linkages
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