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Need help finding water leak

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New Member

Can anyone help, my seadoo [older] 89, when sits in water, hull area seems to get water in it, @ aprox 2-3 hrs can have as musch as 2-3" of water;
to the best of my ability i cannot see any cracks under, nothing out of obvious?? any ideas would be much appreciated.
drain plug in?
drive bearing to jetpump?
coolant line?
tuned pipe (four dimples)
turf rivets?
muffler hose?
bailer lines not tied to underseat?
Tied to trailor back in water at launch. Start engine if necessary. Bills86e
Could be anything.

Finding a leak requires putting your head in the engine compartment. Make sure it's dry, and put it in the water, and start looking for a drip.
If the problem happens at idle or sitting, I can help

I noticed water coming into the hull from the siphon pickups (two black things next to the pump) If the trim is adjusted up just a little the water stops coming in.
Found two problems,
1) missing part the holds the trim unit to the hull. spacer #43
was lost by the last owner. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
2) Adjusted the trim connecting rod to be shorter.
3) Make sure the "WHITE" siphon tubes are both mounted in the Jet. They can be seen from the outside looking into the Jet output.
Also made a cheap tool for dealing with the big black nut that holds the VTS
unit inplace.
4) Double check the hoses from the pump to the siphon pickup. These hoses
need to be mounted up high so water does not drain into the hull when sitting.


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