Need a little advice.

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New Member
Well the wind has been kicking up here pretty bad and it jostled my Doo around enough to knock the carb nuts off the top of the engine. I have a rag down the intake so they aren't in there, so they must have fallen under the mount plate. Any ideas on how to get them out? I tried a magnet and a wire hanger, no luck. Just buy a couple new ones? Anything they can get into that they might damage?
The nuts won't do any harm to anything. Just be sure if you replace them that you get stainless steel remember they are metric. Next time you should keep track of your nuts! :rofl:
Were the spark plugs in? Otherwise you could place the unit on a hard upward angle and smack the underside with your hand. They will not crate a problem so long as all of the intakes and rotating areas have some type of covers to prevent intrusion. (I am a newbie though)
I know for sure they aren't in the engine, plugs were installed, and a rag was down the intake throat. They were sitting on the aft end of the engine. My mistake was thinking it was stable sitting on the wooden uprights it was put on, the uprights weren't on level ground, so the blasting wind rocked it enough to dump the nuts under the mount plate. I already got replacements and they are just waiting for it to stop raining to be installed.
Jeff the first time you ride it you will find the nuts in the bottom of the boat. The engine won't suck them in or anything s you have a sparkarester over the carbs and they won't make contact with anything while it is running. I have dropped many a washer in my jet boat and pwc 's before only to find them later when they come out of hiding from the riding vibration. Don't worry...just keep an eye out for them and save them for the next time you lose your
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