My seat stitching is tearing, options?

I have a 2016 GTI 155 Limited. I picked it up this year and the seat was in great condition. The area I ride is very choppy with constant 2-4 feet swells. I can only stand up for so long until my leg strength gives and i have to sit down jumping those swells. The stitching on the seat began to break all over. I'm trying to figure out what direction to go to repair the seat and not have to worry about it tearing again in the near future, since the swells aren't going away.

Option 1: buy a new oem seat. Cost $419. Will a new seat last a few years or because of the constant wave jumping while sitting, will the stitching tear also?

Option 2: Have an upholstery shop repair it. I'd have to ask them to go over all of the stitching with a stronger thread material, because, I would not trust that the other stitching throughout the whole seat cover would not break after the current damaged areas are repaired. idk the price yet, going to check it out today

option 3: Buy an ebay Ritco Product seat cover. The listing states, it's double stitched for reliability. The seat cover with tax cost $203 plus $150 to have it professionally installed. I don't want to do it myself and it not look perfect, with creases or sloppy staples. Plus I'm not too happy about an aftermarket seat cover but if it last, I'd take it.

What option do you think would be the best? I really do not want visit this expense issue again for the next few years, so I'm looking for the best option to pick.


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So the repairing the current seat option is out, the repair shops don't want to deal with repairing old material. So should I buy a new oem seat for $420 or add a new seat cover for $350.

The OEM looks way better to me but it looks better because of all the stitching which are failure points. The aftermarket looks like it has 30-40%, less stitching which is good for durability, but it has the stupid logo, and like a lot of aftermarket seat covers, may not match the oem color as good.