My "new" 1996 XP

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Hey everyone!

Just thought I'd share some pictures and info of my new ski that I picked up over the weekend. It's a 1996 XP that I purchased from the original owner. The story on the ski is that the owner got hurt and stopped ridding. Well that was 10+ years ago and it has since sat in the garage under a cotton Sea-Doo dust cover (Not the normal canvas one - an indoor only cover) as well as under a tarp. When I went to checkout the ski, I just checked the basics, made sure it had good compression (170PSI both cylinders), and made sure there wasn't anything obviously wrong with the ski. I probably over paid, but it's super clean and I am happy with the purchase. It was a hell of a drive 500+ miles each way, but it was only a short drive out of the way on an already scheduled trip to visit some family, so it worked out great!

Here are a couple pictures from the ride home, keeping in mind the ski hasn't seen water (as in being washed) or even daylight in over a decade, so it could use a little clean-up, but it's by far the cleanest XP I've ever seen in person. A few of the decals have small scratches on them, but nothing that would make me consider pulling them off to replace them.

1996XP800-2.jpg 1996XP800-1.jpg

First thing you will probably notice is the trim (Or the mint yellow hump seat!). The original owner bought both a 1995 (720) and 1996 XP at the same time and swapped all the trim pieces over, including the floor mats on each ski. He ended up selling the 1995 shortly after changing over the trim (Back in 1996), as the 1996 was of course faster. Definitely an eye catching color combo!

It does have a few aftermarket parts, but also has all factory parts as well from what was replaced. I have all the paperwork on the ski, including the original bill of sale. All the A/M parts were installed by the dealership. It's got yellow Ultrac trim tabs, R&D Intake and some somewhat custom sponsons. The sponsons that were originally on the ski were the same shape as the ones in the picture, but yellow plastic (Can anyone identify what they might be?). One of them broke, so he had new ones made out of aluminum, which is what you see on the ski. I have the one yellow sponson that is still in one piece.

Lastly, the ski also has it's original "normal" seat as well, which is just as clean as the hump seat, sitting in the BRP box that the hump seat came in, in a plastic bag.

About the only major maintenance item I will note is that the ski does have the original grey tempo fuel lines. The good part though, is that the ski has not been used since Ethanol was added to the fuel, so in theory there should be absolutely no green goo. I'll be replacing the fuel lines and cleaning out the fuel take prior to trying to start the ski. I figure a carb rebuild is in my future, but who knows, it may run just fine as-is.

Something I learned during the transaction: The original Sea-Doo Synthetic two-stroke injection oil was blue, just like the oil these days that we can't use in these motors. I thought that was interesting and figured I'd share. I wasn't in the sport back in the 90's, so I had no idea it was ever blue. I have a half-full jug of Sea-Doo oil and it's definitely blue!

More to come as I have time to dig into the ski further!
That ski looks amazing and nothing is too much in my opinion as far as price. Those sponsons are(were)Trackers and your lucky because RacerXXX just made a new batch of them and they are reasonably priced. I've never seen them in yellow before though.... very cool! The aluminum ones look pretty cool also though.

Ultrac trim tabs are great! They take the bounce out of it without costing speed. That hump seat is priceless. You have a super nice "keeper" there.
WOW! I didnt think that i would, but i absolutely love the color combo. way more than the original black trim and what not. it really ties it all together and i am a big fan of keeping it as is! Cant beat that hump seat either.
Thanks everyone for all the kind words! Unless something unforseen happens, this ski will definitely be a keeper! I'm going to get the hours read as soon as I can. The PO was thinking that the ski has under 50-hours, but we will see! I don't see any notes on the paperwork that says the dealer ever checked/documented the hours anywhere.

That ski looks amazing and nothing is too much in my opinion as far as price. Those sponsons are(were)Trackers and your lucky because RacerXXX just made a new batch of them and they are reasonably priced. I've never seen them in yellow before though.... very cool! The aluminum ones look pretty cool also though.

Ultrac trim tabs are great! They take the bounce out of it without costing speed. That hump seat is priceless. You have a super nice "keeper" there.

I'll get a picture of the sponson that is still in one piece today after work. I was thinking they might be Tracker, but because they were yellow, I wasn't sure. He took the one good sponson in to have someone cut a new set out of aluminum. The "rails" or whatever you call them are still the yellow plastic, only the part you see is aluminum.

Glad to hear about the Ultracs. I was going to give them a shot either way, but I was considering removing and going with the R&D ones I have. I'll see how they work this summer and compare them to my 1995 XP800 that has the R&D and ride-plate. I've never rode an X4 with sponsons before, but I hear they make quite a difference.

WOW! I didnt think that i would, but i absolutely love the color combo. way more than the original black trim and what not. it really ties it all together and i am a big fan of keeping it as is! Cant beat that hump seat either.

Yeah, the color combo sounds a little strange, but it definitely works! I love it. The purple trim matches the purple in the decals so it all blends so well. Once I clean it up a bit, it should look even better.

Nice find!!! Congrats! Did it come with the double trailer, stand, and box too?

Yep - it did. The box isn't worth much, but the stand will come in handy. It's covered in 10+ years of dirt and grime, but once I clean it up it should be good as new. I'm trying to figure out the make of the trailer, any ideas? It came with a "Homemade" title, but I think it's a manufactured trailer of some sort. Is it a LeeLand or something? It's all aluminum, that I know.

That hump seat is freaking mint!

No doubt, and the original non-hump seat is just as nice, probably even nicer than the hump seat!

All I need now is some decent weather to get out to the lake! In EASTERN Ohio yesterday on my drive home it was about 82-degrees and sunny. I was getting excited that spring might be here! It was short lived as by the time I got home it was rainy and in the 50's. Oh-well, gives me time to get the ski registered and ready for the water!
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Yeah, it still has the original lines. He hadn't used it since before Ethanol was being added to the fuel though, so I am hoping all I need to do is swap out fuel lines. Worst case I'll go through the carbs as well.
Yeah, it still has the original lines. He hadn't used it since before Ethanol was being added to the fuel though, so I am hoping all I need to do is swap out fuel lines. Worst case I'll go through the carbs as well.

Lol. Looks like he didn't even use it then. That thing is in immaculate condition. Congrats on the pickup.
That purple everywhere really grows on you. I dig it.
The original owner must have special ordered that hump seat out of the accessories catalog from 96

96 XP800!
Keep the 2 strokes alive!
That purple everywhere really grows on you. I dig it.
The original owner must have special ordered that hump seat out of the accessories catalog from 96

96 XP800!
Keep the 2 strokes alive!

Yep - I have the receipt for it. It was $220 + Tax back in 1996.
I've been checking this thing out all morning, nice score. I had my Oh face on when I saw it, I love the purple it's so vibrant, That grab handle is just plain sick looking on there. It all goes so much better than the black. If you do remove the trim tabs I'd like to borrow them to check them out.

So was it in Maryland? I know there is more to this story---there always is. Like how did you hear about it?
So was it in Maryland? I know there is more to this story---there always is. Like how did you hear about it?

There is always more to every story! I just didn't want to overload everyone with the boring details! But you asked, so here it goes...

The story begins in late January / early February when my wife and I were considering a trip down to Maryland in April/May to visit some family since we were expecting our first child (March 1st due Date). Probably like some of you, I usually take a peek on the local Craigslist of anywhere we are going to see what's out there. The first ski that popped up was this 1996 XP and usually I don't pay much attention to 1996 XP's because they are everywhere and I'm usually looking for another 1995 XP800 (Like I need a third one!). This one was different thought, I was immediately drawn to the fact that it had a hump seat with factory cover and the fact that the mats were purple - not black. Very few details were in the ad and of course no phone number was listed, email was the contact method. I book marked the ski, but held off on contacting him since we hadn't firmed up any travel plans yet.

And the timeline begins...

February: Baby Watch, we're getting close
03/04/15: My wife tells me "it's time", my son is born later that same day
03/04/15-03/20/15: Take vacation time to spend with our newest addition to the family
03/23/15: First day back to work - Can't hold off on contacting seller any longer, as the ski is still posted after 2+ months
03/24/15: No response after 24-hours, reply to my first email and hope for the best
03/24/15: Receive a call from the seller - Talk about the ski for 30+ minutes
03/24/15: Seller sends some updated pictures of the ski, looks super clean, but I'm still not convinced it's real since it's been for sale so long
03/25/15 - 03/27/15: Keep in contact with seller, sends additional pictures of the ski outside in the light, can't believe the condition of the ski
03/28/15: A guy from Chicago comes to purchase my 2010 Buell XB12R
03/30/15: $200 deposit sent on ski, Money Order as requested
03/30/15 - 03/31/15: Scramble to work out travel plans - as we hadn't finalized anything with our family members yet
04/01/15: The weekend of April 10th - 13th is planned
04/02/15 - 04/09/15: Wait impatiently for our trip
04/10/15: Trip begins, we leave the house at 6:00am - Lots of stops, we have a 5.5 week old traveling with us
04/10/15: We arrive at the seller house at 4:30pm - everything checks out (170psi on each cylinder, super clean, no BS)
04/10/15: Leave his house and head to our family's after paying for the ski and filling out titles and bill of sales
04/11/15-04/12/15: Have a great weekend with Family
04/13/15: Head back to the sellers house to pickup everything (No place for a trailer at our family's townhouse)
04/13/15: Start the long haul home with trailer and ski at 9:30am
04/13/15: Make it home at 7:30pm - everyone is exhausted. The ski is still on the trailer, which is taking my Jeep's spot in the garage currently

The rest (or is it "best"?) is yet to come! I'll keep the thread updated. More pictures to come for sure. It will of course get new hull numbers. Any recommendations on colors for the new numbers? I do really like the numbers that are on this one already.

As several have mentioned, the carbs will be rebuilt before I start it up as well as the fuel lines will be updated. I plan on using normal black Gates fuel line, anyone recommend anything else instead? I also need to get the decade old fuel out of the tank as well. A call to the dealership will be made to make sure it had the tank recall completed will also be in order. Can't wait to take it out on the water!
Hah, I knew there was more to it. I'd rather details then hanging on the edge of my seat wondering. Beautiful ski for sure and all that purple lends itself to those graphics. Love the back story!
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