My Aunt has a 2004 gti le (she is not good with computers so I am doing this for her). The main computer which I believe is called an mpem was fried, so he local dealership replaced it for quite a bit of money. On the ride back from the dealership (on the water) it fried again. The dealership seems to have no clue :stupid:what is causing this as it has been in the shop for close to a month with no soultion offered thus far. She is at wits end and wants to know if anyone might know of something that could cause a computer to fry about 15 minutes after being installed.:rant:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
P.S. It ran fine before it fried the first time, died on the water and key would not produce a beep, at first we thought the battery was dead.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
P.S. It ran fine before it fried the first time, died on the water and key would not produce a beep, at first we thought the battery was dead.