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motor exchange

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carolina new be

New Member
i have a 1995 gts with a 587 engine. could i drop a 717 engine in its place. if so can i use the 587 electronics with the 717 engine or will i need to transplant the 717 electronics as well as the engine itself ? would there be any problems that i would encounter in swapping out the 587 and replacing it with the 717 ?

thanks in advance

It can be done, but cross reference all your electronics..MPEM, solenoid, rectifier, ...any matches, less to replace. Then depending on intake setup, 1 or 2 carb, need specs on that as well.
Just looked up, even though calls different oem # on carb, still is BN-38 (sb). Put main jet to 135, pilot 57.5, keep popoff same, HSA=0, LSA=1.75
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Your talking a complete new ski. You will likely replace everything to match the 717. :cheers:
so i will basicly need to find a pwc that has a 717 setup but has a bad hull and swap all internals over to the gts hull. reason for this question is i have a running 94 sp with the 587 and 2 each 1995 gts one without a motor and one with a 587.

i got both of the gts for 100 bucks. and everything looks good on them except the motor. for my size i need a might bit stronger motor so i was opting for a 717 to drop in the gts hull. i am not in any rush to convert it over as i have the sp to ride for now. the conversion will be a winter project.
oh and i am opting for the single carb setup on the 717

thanks for the input
1 less carb to deal with...depending on year/model of craft came from, some have BN-40i-38 w/ eccellerator pump, some have BN-40I, and 97' SP, had the BN-38(SB)...

When you talk about "for your size".....if your a bit hefty, then making the changes to a small ski will only hamper your riding experience. Some of the older, single seat skis are for a combined weight of not more than 400 lbs. Take in mind, that's displaced weight.

If you are able to change out all the necessary components and get a larger motor in that ski, your adding additional weight to it also. The weight difference of the engines won't be much, maybe 20 #.

Your problem will be mounting the ski while in the water. If you pull it down in the back while trying to mount it, your liable to push water into the cylinders through the exhaust.

I'm only speculating here because I don't know your exact size. But I've already had one member I had to explain why here motor ingested water.

Just and FYI before you dedicate to much time into a project like this. Look at the thing engineering wise. Is the hulls integrity designed for the extra power? Will it sit lower in the water due to the extra weight?:cheers:
i thought the 1995 gts 3 seater was a big ski ? i was thinking about installing the 717 in place of the original 587. and my weight is around 305 -300 lbs. just want a nice ski to ride on and not try to break any speed records lol

thanks for the information

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