Miami Bound

My Partner at work grew up in Miami. She's moving back once her degree is done at Akron U. She says it can be an expensive area to live.
Once I get unpacked and back to work it will be fine. There are ways for me to generate extra money if I want/need it.

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Ok,,, Moved in and have the PODs unpacked. Still have plenty to do, but I am in the house...

I should be more present here at the board. Sorry for the longer than anticipated absence...
Welcome back! Enjoy the great weather down there. We are going to retire to a beach somewhere. I will be an old painter somewhere in the south.
Yeah, but you cheat! You get to fly right out after a short visit. I lOVE, meeting an Air Ambulance at Burk Lake Front in the Winter! They get off the Leer Jet and it's 10 degrees and 30 mile an hour wind.
WELCOME TO CLEVELAND! ( They just flew in from the Middle East )