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Members Unite! Central East Coast Ride

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I have tiny bouys... I also have a bad ass inflator for bigger ones. I'd rather not bring the bouys though, I'm gonna be pretty packed.

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Oh and who wants to bunk up? They aren't 3 bedroom they have room for 6! I'll take one room for me and my bro and if he bails we will have a extra bed for a late to party guy...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I have buoys but not sure I want to be that drenched in that cold. I spose a cabin and a change in cloths would be near by. We can set them up and see what happens.

I like the idea of meat and beer.

Bring that spark out there and I'll spank it with a 717. Haha honestly I'm trying to get all my skis right then let you guys decide which 3 I bring.

i'd like to know the list to choose from to pick the 3, you've been so busy i have no clue at to what it might be except a carbon ski.

I think two of us booked cabin #9, i'll have to call the marina and move down a spot since mine was a move from #20 to begin with.

I told wife no wives to answer earlier question.
I like the idea of a time trial or something in that order. My buoy's are the smaller ones. I'll get a brick for each one and a roll of twine and I think we will be set.

I've never even had the carbon X4 in the water. I have to dunk it and test it with it's current pipe then change the starter, flywheel and pipe. I hope I will have the time to get these things done between now and then. Presently I'm building my twin piped XPL.

The Big Red carbon fiber GSX, the "Extremely Modified X4", the 90 with a 657X and my Rocketship Racing HX are ready today. I'll get pics and more info as we get closer.
I'm confused, so you guys are calling in and paying for a bedroom in the 3br units? I'd like to he with Adam and Matt but it really doesn't matter to me.

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Any size buoy will be great. I'm thinking it won't be very busy on the lake so we shouldn't have any issue spotting them.

I booked a one bed room cabin. I'm not sure who all is coming with me so I'm figured I better get a whole cabin just in case.
I'm booking the three bedroom now but there are several options. They are all referred to as "dockside" but how do I determine which one is in the best central location that we are looking?
Edited: Removed comment. Pretend I am not here

I see you Krispy

I'm booking the three bedroom now but there are several options. They are all referred to as "dockside" but how do I determine which one is in the best central location that we are looking?

WheN they call to cinfirm, or you can call, they will tel l you which numbers are close. I just tried to stay closest t ok #10, which she said was closest to the dock.
40 days!

96 XP800!
Keep the 2 strokes alive!

lol, my parents have a place up in NC and the weather is turning....

40 days seems like an eternity when we're wishing for summer to hang in there...

this is going to be cold as hell, I can feel it in my bones already !

time to start shopping for shorty suits my neoprene top might not be enough lol
Supposed to be back in the 80s mid week here but you never can tell this time of year.

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weather is giving me an excuse to go ebay shopping for some cold weather pants, too many choices to pick from right now need to narrow it down... In FL i've always gotten away with board shorts and a neoprene dry top or my sailing dry top but i'm thinking I need pants, and they will come in handy at least once a year so its a good pickup.
I actually looked at a few different wetsuits at bass pro shops last week. I think they were wake boarding suits but they were less than a hundo

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OK I just had a long talk with the girl at the marina about the cabin situation. There is no 3 bedroom in there with the one bedrooms. The closest would be the luxury three bedrooms and they want over $600 for the weekend on them. She said the one bedroom cabins are kind of on their own road.

The "dockside" three bedroom is reasonable and has it's own dock but is away from the rest of the guys. I think I might be better renting two one bedrooms for Nick, Adam and myself so we are all hanging out in the same spot. Thoughts?
That sounds legit to me, if you want me to book one and you book the other just let me know.

96 XP800!
Keep the 2 strokes alive!
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