I have tiny bouys... I also have a bad ass inflator for bigger ones. I'd rather not bring the bouys though, I'm gonna be pretty packed.
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Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I have buoys but not sure I want to be that drenched in that cold. I spose a cabin and a change in cloths would be near by. We can set them up and see what happens.
I like the idea of meat and beer.
Bring that spark out there and I'll spank it with a 717. Haha honestly I'm trying to get all my skis right then let you guys decide which 3 I bring.
Oh and who wants to bunk up? They aren't 3 bedroom they have room for 6! I'll take one room for me and my bro and if he bails we will have a extra bed for a late to party guy...
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I'm confused, so you guys are calling in and paying for a bedroom in the 3br units? I'd like to he with Adam and Matt but it really doesn't matter to me.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I'm booking the three bedroom now but there are several options. They are all referred to as "dockside" but how do I determine which one is in the best central location that we are looking?
40 days!
96 XP800!
Keep the 2 strokes alive!