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MASSIVE oil leak from oil sump pump PLEASE HELP

Hey guys. So I have a 2020 seadoo wake pro 230 with the 1630 ACE engine.
Bought it with 44 hours, have only had it on water twice. First time I leaked 4 qt of engine oil out within 10 minutes under the water.After the dealership told me everything was fine. Upon taking it back to him , they said that I am leaking oil from the sum pump meets the crankcase.

I have sense replaced the oil housing gasket Is and tightened it back in the correct order and torque yet I'm still leaking oil. I can feel the oil coming out of the bottom of the housing when I Rev the ski. I don't understand. Could the oil housing be warped? The mating surfaces seems fine.
The only thing I'm worried about is the actual casing of the engines not being aligned where the meet on that oil pump housing surface.

Please help. I'm over 11k deep CASH in a ski I can't even ride or sell.

BONUS also found out my ski had a new timing chain from dealership at 1 HOUR.
Could be anything from a bad gasket to a cracked housing.
You will need to take everything apart and closely inspect it. Looks for damage inside the gasket groove, distortion of the housing and block, cracks in the housing etc.

Has this engine ever been apart prior to you taking the pump off?
Is something interfering with the pump housing keeping it from sitting properly against the block?

Maybe want to consider test assembling the entire pump assembly to the block with a layer of heavy grease in place of the gasket to verify proper alignment and if it is squeezed out equally all around.

I would apply a thin coat of Permatex 82180 Ultra Black to both sides of a new rubber gasket when you reassemble.

Could be anything from a bad gasket to a cracked housing.
You will need to take everything apart and closely inspect it. Looks for damage inside the gasket groove, distortion of the housing and block, cracks in the housing etc.

Has this engine ever been apart prior to you taking the pump off?
Is something interfering with the pump housing keeping it from sitting properly against the block?

Maybe want to consider test assembling the entire pump assembly to the block with a layer of heavy grease in place of the gasket to verify proper alignment and if it is squeezed out equally all around.

I would apply a thin coat of Permatex 82180 Ultra Black to both sides of a new rubber gasket when you reassemble.

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Thanks so much for the thorough reply. I think it has been disassembled. It has 44 hrs, and it had warranty work done at 1 hr for a timing chain. Thr housing looked good, same with internals but I didn't test clearance. So I think I need to tear the pump off again and maybe try a new housing. And definitely some rtv thank you. It seems to just be leaking at the housing considering that's where the inlet and outlets are for the oil. But it leaks fast
They may have done a complete tear down to look for debris in the filter from the timing chain.
I suggest you also buy a new OEM gasket and filter screen (strainer #6 above) just in case someone put the wrong filter in which is keeping the housing from sitting properly. I believe the filter only fits in one way.

Make sure no nicks or burrs on the engine sealing surface.
Make sure all screws are being installed and they are the right length (measure length from under the head). If to long, add stainless lock washers. If to short- replace with stainless socket head cap screws if you can not get the OEM screws.
Run the clearance test with the grease with all new parts.

Clean off all grease/oil, apply Loctite 243 blue to screws, apply the thin layer of RTV to the block (just in case you missed a minor issue), reassemble and let it harden over night.

Good luck

From a 2009 manual. Try to find instructions for your year if not the same.

