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Low thrust on a 2007 Sea Doo GTI


New Member
I got a Sea Doo GTI 2007 last fall (2023). It has run fine this summer. Pulls strong, revs to 7,000+ and gets to about 58mpg with just me (180lb/6') on it .... until:
- a few weeks ago I got it into a river backed up from the ramp and realized it wouldn't go forward (stays in reverse)
- by the time I got it out of water it took some water it. I rushed to drain it so I didn't capture the water level inside the engine compartment, but it wasn't far from a half full.
- I quickly found that the plastic nut that locks reverse cable was broken - that is why I got no forward and also why it took water in.
- I replaced the lock nut with a metal piece (apparently a common issue/repair) and FWD/REV cable now works fine.
- however, the ski now only gets to 38-ish mph and the engine (when in water) only revs to 6000rpm.
- The engine sounds fine (starts/runs as smooth as before), it revs/limits at about 7,500prm when out of water (which I only do for a few seconds), only when in water it is unable to spin past 6000rpm and it provides obviously reduced thrust.
- a few days ago I tried riding it like that for about 30 minutes to see if anything will change (to better or worse) but nothing changed
- at the end of that ride I tried once more to confirm that the engine will spin past 7000 when out of the water and it did, but I also noticed exhaust smoke to be white
- I have checked/inspected the intake/impeller/nozzle (without taking anything apart) and nothing seems to be obstructed/deformed.
- The fact that I get 38-ish mph with 6000rpm also suggest that (to me, at least, but please comment) the jet pump works fine - only it doesn't get spun fast enough for normal top speed

All of this leads me to think that the reason for low thrust is engine related (white smoke and inability to rev up under load) and caused by taking in water.
Any suggestions of how to trouble shoot/fix?
Change spark plugs first which is what I think your problem is. If that doesn't fix it, remove intake manifold and dump water out and replace.
After all my problem was the spark plugs. I find it strange, but the proof is in the pudding. After riding my jetski earlier last week and getting consistent 6000rpm/38-ish mph I just changed spark plugs and next ride yielded 7300rpm/58mph. I don't see how the spark plugs got affected by water in the hull (indirectly, without other more obvious signs of engine damage). If anyone has an idea please share. The old plugs didn't look bad at all, but that's just the visuals.

Spark plugs fail frequently on the 4tecs so probably not related to your water intrusion, just a coincidence more likely. You can't tell by looking at them and have had several experienced auto techs tell me that it can't be the spark plugs because it's a 4 stroke and they don't fail or that they look perfect and worked fine on the bench tester or say that it wouldn't idle fine with a plug not firing. Usually after chasing their tales for lots of hours changing other things they finally change the plugs and all is well.

Their typically failure mode is that they cut out and you'll have poor performance but quite often they will kick back in for a while and then cycle between the two and eventually stay with the poor performance. Sometimes they do just quit working all of a sudden but the 4tecs compensate and idle pretty well that most people don't even notice the idle is just slightly off.
I have often had the fine idle on the trailer or at the dock, but then under load accelerating on the water the plugs cut out. The best $12 insurance is to replace them often - I don’t go more than 2 years, and often replace every year.