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Looking for seadoo specialty item

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New Member
Not sure if this is the right area to post this.

I am looking for something I had seen a couple of years ago on the web and can no longer find it.

It is a boat that actually uses a sea doo docked in its stern to power it. The seadoo can be docked or undocked easily and it essentially makes a seadoo a 6 passenger boat.

Would anyone know who makes this item or where I could get information on it?

I would be surprised if the year (1987) on that one's right since there weren't sit down skis that would power that heavy boat that far back. It also doesn't say what it's set up for and that's important info since there are different rails depending on what make/model you're using in it. I wouldn't consider powering one of those with anything less than a 787 powered Sea Doo though. Less hp than that and you're putting lots of stress on the Sea Doos engine and driveline.

He never said what pwc he has or even if he has one, just asked if anyone knew about them so told him of one in are area forsale. and if it not a 1987 then what year is it
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Thanks a bunch!

Very helpfull posts.

I currently have a 58 bluewater with a TNT platform and have a 10 foot nautica inflatable that I want to change for one of these if I can find one that will fit on the platform with the pwc. My max length is 15 feet, which is the width of the boat.

The TNT is currently capable of handling 1600 lbs, not sure of the weight of this assembly but you have provided enough contacts to find out.

thanks again.
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