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Long Shot... Please help... Carb problems

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New Member
Please forgive me I am new to this....

I purchased a 1994 GTX from an older couple who bought it new. It has little less then 200 hours. It was kept in a dry, temp control dock. It is in great shape. It ran great for a day (HAHA) and will run as long as you don't open it up... Good up until 1/2 way open. I am thinking fuel problem.

I have done some reading and this is what I have accomplished so far....
New plugs
New battery

I have a carb rebuild kit and I am having a terrible time finding someone that can do the carb and fuel filters......

My wonderful hubby could do it but is currently deployed by the USAF overseas and well the kids and me want to ride lol....

Anyone near southeast TN??? or know anyone who could help out?

Thanks for being understand of the new kid...
Welcome to the seadoo forum rusandmil. If your mechanically inclined you could clean your carbs yourself with some patience and basic know how... we have a seadoo manual available in the seadoo forum library for a 30 day subscription fee of $10.95. You can down load it to read on line or print it off. There is tons of information in it too to help keep it running. We are also here to help out if you get stuck. You may even get lucky to have someone near by that might help you out and do it for you... we have a lot of active members all over the place, you never know...

Hey there...

I did purchase the 10.95 thing under another name (milmil75) but can't seem to get lost password to work... I wanted to look at it in detail before pulling it out.

(bummed out was a sunny day to be out)
Its no longer in the water.... Its sitting in garage and I have no idea how to run it while out of the lake...

Forgive my stupidity...

The pass word is always the same. Under the correct screen name use " blocked premium content ".

You can run it on the garden hose too. We can help you do it correctly if you don't find it in the manual. Let us know what you need so we can point you in the right direction. :)

first off do not unplug any wire that you don't know where it comes from. you can make bigger problems for your self. if you decide to run the unit out of water via a garden hose remember, and this is very important, to run the craft for 15 seconds before introducing water. if you introduce water to the system before running you will fill the exhaust and thus filling the combustion chamber. then you'll have to buy a new motor. as for your problem.

what it sounds like to me is your fuel pump with-in your carb. its not hard to due. if you give me the model and maybe tell me what the motor looks like i can tell you how to do it the easy way. also check your fuel line coming from your fuel tank and your fuel baffle. the baffle looks like a cluster of 4 fuel lines on top of the fuel tank.
Hey Toots:

I just returned from hell and my first week back to the world I took my 93 GTX to the river and encounterd the exact problems as you. With some help from a local boy on this site I almost have removed the carb. I am hoping with a tad more advice on how to remove the the throttle linkage the carb will be out tomorrow, then, the rest of the job is ez, even for an MP.

When I have it out I will send you step by step instructions how to get the job done yourself.

My personal e-mail address is CallBeechwood45789@Yahoo.com

Kick back and hopefully tomorrow you will have all the info you need. Prayers go off to your man. Been there, done that, and with Gods help, this reservist wont' have to go again to do what Bush & his cronies would not let their kids do, or they themselves, the damn cowards. A ticked off reservist!
Sent you an email... Waiting to hear how its going.....Welcome home... What was the first thing you ate when you got back? LoL

Hope your rebuild went smooth and your out enjoying it.

If there is anyone who would like to earn some extra cash near me ...lol I would pay and help anyone willing to help me out. I am just a ball of nerves thinking about doing this alone.

OK Here I go! Taking the Carb off I got a guy to rebuild it... Any pointers??? I am also changing out the fuel lines and the filter.... Any pointers???:eek:
If you still have the other screen name you told me about use it to open the Premium Manual, and read up on the carb section.

I was gonna mention the fuel lines. If you have the grey stock Seadoo fuel lines it is time to get rid of them. I have a 98' and mine were bad. I'd hate to see what your 94' looks like. Yes, you will most likely have to rebuild the carbs. Just take your time and use lots of patience. If you don't know, write it down of make a sketch of it. Good luck. I have to remove my carbs now also. The guy I had rebuild them screwed a lot of things up on mine.
OH NO!!!! There is oil in the bottom of the hull, and a clear hose running into it... IS THIS NORMAL??? (bet not) UGH!

Oil in the bottom of the hull? Pull up the clear hose. If there is any oil in the hose then it would be a problem. I think that hose is probably for something else. Trace it back to it's beginning or end and hopefully that will tell you what it is. There are some like that inside the hull so don't get to excited, yet.
OH NO!!!! There is oil in the bottom of the hull, and a clear hose running into it... IS THIS NORMAL??? (bet not) UGH!


Is this "OIL" or oil residue mix with water????if it residue I say you probally ok...... but if it oil you may wanna check your lines to see if they are crack split....
Oil in hull plus wear ring issues.....


Ok so I did some searching and the loose oil line is for old batteries, leaks etc... the oil in bottom of hull is a mixture of oil and water about 1/4 inch deep. Still not sure about this. All the lines are tight and hole free. Any thoughts???

But My wear ring is gone....I mean virtually... So time for more reseach...

BTW. Carbs are being rebuilt by a local shop (not dealer)... Fuel lines done! Filter Done... Maybe I can get the wear ring done before the weekend and hit the lake!

Thanks everyone!

Ok so I did some searching and the loose oil line is for old batteries, leaks etc... the oil in bottom of hull is a mixture of oil and water about 1/4 inch deep. Still not sure about this. All the lines are tight and hole free. Any thoughts???

But My wear ring is gone....I mean virtually... So time for more reseach...

BTW. Carbs are being rebuilt by a local shop (not dealer)... Fuel lines done! Filter Done... Maybe I can get the wear ring done before the weekend and hit the lake!

Thanks everyone!

OK... personally I wouldnt worry about it....the oil residue probally come from spillage..... and it is a mechanical engine that requires oil :ack:......and I never seen a hull that remain water free.... that little bit there can be from condensation....
Sounds like you bout have it about ready to roll........ :)
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