LeT's HeAr It....RAMP STORIES!!!!

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New Member
I thought of a great thread today. I live in AZ and appearently the heat really does get to some people...I have seen some dumb things goin on with peoples boats, just driving down the highway...it made me think...I bet even dumber thing's happen at the boat ramp. I am pretty new to watercraft and have been overhauling mine since i got them, doing the final touches now, so I really have not spent a ton of time on the ramp (a lil here and there with my buddy's), but i just know some of you have; and have seen some funny things happen...people overshootin' trailers, yellin at wifes, just loosing all common sense...so i thought it would be a good and funny thing to make a thread where people could post their "Ramp Stories"...there may already be one out there but i cant find it....so let's hear it!!!
I was just out last Saturday and waiting at the ramp area to meet up with some friends. We had a chance to watch some interesting ramp work. One guy backed his truck down the ramp while his wife was to pilot the boat. They got the boat slipped off the trailer and he pulled away. Meanwhile, she started to pull forward to turn around. She then realized that was a bad idea (Hello--grounding!). So then she started backing up, only couldn't figure out which way she wanted to go, so she was snaking back and forth, basically taking up the whole ramp water area because the other boats were afraid to get near here. Eventually, she figured out how to get near the dock. Not an all-time funny story, but it was fun to watch.

Then there was the other family that put the kids in the boat, but mom and dad were both in the truck while it was backing down the ramp. I think it was about the point they were supposed to unhook the boat from the trailer that they realized nobody was piloting the boat. So she got out and waded through the water to get into the boat. :-)

During the time I was waiting, I saw some seasoned veterans pull around, back down the ramp, unleash the boat and pull away with the trailer in literally maybe 60-90 seconds. Then there was that family that spent 20 minutes in the pre-ramp area dinking around with stuff on the boat. They then backed the boat into the water and took another 20 minutes getting it off the trailer before the truck could pull out. They weren't having problems starting the boat, but I have no idea what took so long.
gas pump stories... like marina yes....drive thru...naaaa, you shouldnt be eatin there anyways...that s#*t is bad for you anyways...its all chemical...lol I know some people on this form got some funny ass stories!!!! if not things you've seen, things you've done...just admit it
gas and oil mixing

I saw a guy in his boat at the gas station and he would pump a gallon of gas and then had the correct amout of oil for one gallon. Then he would pump another gallon, and then measure the oil again. Over and over until the tank was full.
Saw a guy one time do the usual I will back the boat down the dock and you hold to it "wife" while I go park the truck. Problem was he forgot to put the plug in and the boat started to take on a little more than shame from this stupid way of doing things. Either way teach your damn wife to drive the truck or the boat don't have people at the dock stand there with a lease on their boat like a dog and take up time and space at the dock. Long story short, guy thought he had a crack in the hull or something ran and got his truck AGAIN made a huge fiasco of the whole thing. I almost laughed after I saw him too embarrassed to admit to his wife it was his fault. Then they put the boat back in the water after about 15 minutes of letter most of the lake drain out in the parking lot. I have seen too many things at the dock to tell them all but man I am surprised their are not more people posting.

P.S. I respect woman that can back a boat down the dock and actually drive a boat onto a trailer. Kudos to woman that can and will do this, thank you for not falling into the sterotype.
I agree. Teach the wife to back the trailer in or drive the boat. Or BOTH!!!

I have only done half so far. She is not good at getting it straight in reverse, but if I get it straight, she can keep it there for a fair distance, if not too far. So I pull in to line it up, then jump into the boat and she backs it in and then pulls out and parks it.

I still have to get the boat out alone, though. We need to find a big empty parking lot and do some practice parking...
My wife is better at manuvering our boat than most my friends. I trust her more than most to trailer the boat. She wants to learn to back the trailer up but like you said wants a really open parking lot and no one around.
gas pump stories... like marina yes....drive thru...naaaa, you shouldnt be eatin there anyways...that s#*t is bad for you anyways...its all chemical...lol I know some people on this form got some funny ass stories!!!! if not things you've seen, things you've done...just admit it

I dont think this is the correct forum for these types of stories I am sure they have 'special interest' ones for that...... :)
A priest, a Mexican, a rabbi and four gerbils are on a boat . . . wait, never mind that one.

Once, however, I did see an 1980s Dodge Caravan back up to the ramp with the lift door open and a jetski hanging out the back of the van. Four guys lifted it out and into the water. I wish I could have seen how they got it back in there.
Rip off your Mercruiser skeg

Storm stories are a great place to start.. People get all frantic trying to pull in or out.. We usually point the nose into the eye and drive through to the other side..

Several years ago I was stuck in the middle of a little thunder bumper and of course the ramp was on fire with people frantically trying to get out.. In the middle of a huge down pour this fella is pulling his runabout out on a drive on.. he forgets to lift the lower unit up.. yeap that was the end of that skeg! He stops looks at the boat, looks at the ramp fumbles around for a second and says some obscenity and hops back in the truck.. I actually felt bad for this guy though..

Then on another day a storm is brewing and I'm in my dads runabout with my friend and my daughter whom was still little. This storm rolls up and its the kind that freaks you out a little. We're idling waiting on people to get out of the way and dad is up the ramp in line.. Just then this lighting bolt strikes the bank across the lake... sounded like a bomb went off... I looked up at dad and he put it in gear and totally puts the trailer in the water next to this other boat right... we were like a friggin machine baby... I was on the traier and we got the heck outta dodge.. Meanwhile this boat we back in beside is Aluminum no less... and not much bigger than a john boat.. This lady is screaming at the kids get back in the boat! get back in the boat!! and all the while making gestures and in general having a melt down.. that was scary and funny all at once!!

Most recently just had one of my own.. The XP decided to foul a plug.. I get stuck at the ramp my Dad isn't hearing me blowing the rescue whistle and takes off with the keys, phone and my shoes!!! Oh no!! So here I sit holding my boat at the end of the dock trying to stay out of the way! Finally he rolls back in the marina!! Thanks dad!! :willy_nilly: So I finally send my daughter over to get the keys and this dude is on the ramp says "are you pulling out?" completely nasty to me.. I was like what the heck man!? It's not running!! And I didn't have keys!! Jingling them up in the air as I'm running up the ramp.. that eve got under the skin a lil more than necesarry needles to say!! I wasn't happy with my doo :( But I had her out the next week!!!


I'm sure I could think of hundreds more! Like a youtube video I saw of some dudes in a truck with one ski and they were floating the truck and had the tires off the ground stuck!! hahahaha
Oh man....

Saw this on the interwebs the other day:

I saw a dude put in and pull out a 25-30 ft sail boat with a 1984 volvo station wagon....you should have seen the shocks on this car....amazing.

Another one was a guy trying to load his one doo on the back of his double doo trailer. I dunno what happened but I turned around and he got the bow of the doo stuck between the 2 inner guide rails. Couple of people had to help push it back off the trailer into the water...classic
Well last weekend was the first time I ever launched my Challenger 1800 (my uncle did it for me after I bought it). And unfortunately I now have a ramp story of my own....

I positioned the Jeep on the ramp and backed it down until the boat was partially in the water. Then I hopped in to the boat to start it, and let my girlfriend take control of the Jeep. The boat started fine, so I told my girlfriend to back it the rest of the way in to launch me, then drive back to my uncle's house to wait for me on his dock (1 mile away).

As soon as she pulled away, both engines died. So I was sitting in the water alone trying to get the damn thing started again, but neither engine would turn over. After about 15 minutes of cranking and choking and inspecting the engine, I noticed that the fuel lines to the engine looked like there wasn't any fuel in them..... which made me realize that I forgot to turn the fuel knobs on :blush:

I turned them on and everything was fine. At least that experience will make me never forget to turn the knobs on again!
Forgot the drain plug in my Grizzly Tracker a few weeks ago, felt like a real idiot when I realized my sandals were floating. Got some grins at the ramp.
I have 05 Sportster SCIC so needless to say its a tad "touchy"...It was approx my 3rd time to put my boat in the lake with the first two attempts going well so I was a little more confident this time...Well, it led to my downfall...I had not mastered the reverse so when I went to turn the wheel like a prop boat guess what it did...Yeap, did a U-Turn backing towards the ramp rocks...So in my second of indecision I went to throw it in Neutral, well guess what...Yeap, grabbed the wrong handle, I threw the THROTTLE up and BAM..Into the rocks I went...Luckily, I hit my gate and only put a couple of scratches on it...
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