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lanyard issues .....maybe

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New Member
what does it mean if I have no beeps or anything when puting lanyard on post? Or after hitting start switch. Here's what I've doen so far:

Fuses - good
Solenoid - jumped across posts, cranks over
start switch - ohmed out good
post - ohmed out good

I think the lanyard is bad (or the MPEM.....shutter). How do you check if the lanyard is bad?
hit the star switch 5 times. you should hear a short beep followed by a long beep. insert your dess then try to start. post the amount of beeps you heard after that. Is your battery dead?
I'm having about the same issue. 2000 GS, bought in pieces, put it all back together. Plugged the teather in and got the 2 beeps. Went to hit the start, it turned a little then nothing. Now I get no beeps or anything. I'm kinda at a road block as well. Any advice would be appreciated. Just not very familiar with seadoos, 1st one.
Check Fuse int he back

Hey IGo, did you check the 15amp fuse in the rear electrical box? Could be popped. If it is, only put back another 15, not bigger. If it pops again, you've got another issue with starter or some kind of drag in the power train causing the electrical current overload.
All fuses are good. A new discovery though. With a test light hooked to negative of battery, and you touch a ground the light will flash and go out. Hold down the start button and i will stay lit.

The ski does absolutley nothing when you put the lanyard on? It won't turn over? The fuel gauge doesnt move? (fuel gauge also applies by pressing the start button without the lanyard) ..
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