Jet ski Bogging

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Hello, I was riding sunday at the beach, 2 hours into riding it.. My jet would bog in the take off, It happen to me like 5 times.. Besides that it ran pretty decent. What could be the problem of the bogging? And also my jet ski takes like 3 trys to turn on.. What could that be also?

Bogging?....there's not a lot to go on there.....but if you road for 2 hours before it happened, I'd first think something got hot. Have you pulled and read your plugs? Have you done a compression recently? It's RFT...
What about your RAVE. Did you clean them this past "off" season? Since the RAVE valves would be the most simple in trouble shooting, I'd start there first........Good luck!...
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The spark plug looks fine, Good color on them and i also change them after every ride. I havnt done a compression test yet.. Im really hoping on getting that done. But as far as the rave.. The right rave i cleaned good pretty good.. it moves up and down easy and seem like its good to go back on... But the left side is stuck, The left side is a bit harder to take off since i have my exhaust on the top .. Which wouldnt let me take it off completly.. So i just decided to take it apart .. I took off the cap, the twist cap. And trying to take off the EXHAUST VALVE but i notice it seems a bit stuck. Could you give me any ideas on how i could soften it? Or get it to come out.. Thanks snipe for making me check my rave.. I believe the left side is the problem with the rave.. Since its stuck.. I dont think it moves up and down.
ahhhhh!... I know your cleaning them now!.....:rofl: Your looking how to take out that MAG side......:rofl: Yeah, it's a pain in the royal butt, but I found an easy way, as it seems you already figured it out.
Once you pop the cap, get a metric socket (I don't remember the size) and holding the bellows assembly in one hand, remove that plastic looking nut in the center. Then, the bellows assembly will come off. You don't have to worry about the guillotine valve. There is a stop on it and it will not fall into your cylinder.
After you take out the bellow, then you should have enough clearance to remove the two allen head bolts on either side and just slide it out.
Make sure, when you clean the RAVE, you look at the bellows for any cracks or holes. Make sure it's still soft and in good condition. Make sure the little hole you see in the engines casting is clear and the one in the RAVE is clear. Be careful while cleaning the holes. You dont want to drop anything in there. Make sure the guillotine slide valve slides in and out smoothly. When you put them back together, you may want to adjust the little red caps all the way down. If yours are flush with the black plastic housing of the rave, then your adjusment was made after the supplemental. I find mine works better where it was originally set and that was all the way down.
Let me know if you have any more trouble............oh, and don't force nothing. You sure as hell don't want to break'll be up that ole mans creek without a paddle!...............:ack:
RAVE valve..

And don't forget to clean all the hoses attached to the RAVE valves as well. there must be no blockage in these or it can cause incorrect operation of the RAVE valves.. ( know this due to previous experince ):redface:
Good point!

Good point Seadoolover......! But he has the 787cc RFI motor. But good point none the less! He has the spring/exhaust pressure activated RAVEs.
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my ski... Sometimes when press throttle down while im stoped.. My jet sometimes bogs and dont wanna go.. But most times it would take off without a single bog. Its only bogging at take off.. once its running it doesnt bog. Anyone knows whats wrong?
You don't have the same type....

You don't have the same type RAVE that he does. When you say it only happens some time. Like, if you sit and idle for a little while, then try to get on it, it hesitates? And if your running WOT and come off plane, idle around for only a couple seconds and get back on it, it's o.k.?
If so, sounds like it could be your fuel regulator. The fuel pressure is suppose to be maintained around 58 psi, if I remember right. When you come down off power, the regulator helps bleed that excess pressure. If it's not regulating right, you could be losing some of that pressure on take off.
Just a guess, I'll have to study the RFI just a little bit more.....:cheers:
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