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RESTO It arrrived!! My 1995 XP800 restoration project!

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Thanks guys!! I'm getting excited since I'm pretty close to being done! Can't wait to see it complete and ride it!
So what method did you use for the decals, they look great.
Thanks man! Well for the small ones I just been eyeballing them dry. The big ones I use a combination of the dry and wet method. I think that works best with the big ones if installing by yourself. I will get some pics when I do the right side. Basically I trim all the excess backing material from the decals and then set them in place where I think they should be with tape in the middle. Then pull and cut the backing off from one side, then using a spray bottle spray the soap and water mixture, then set that side. Then I pull up the other side and remove the backing and then spray the soap and water mixture and set that side down.
So here are some pictures on how I apply the decals. It's a combination of the dry method and the wet method. PWC Graphics has dry method instructions on their website, but you only want to use the dry method if you are working on a totally flat surface (I did the total dry method on my boat's name and logo because the transom is totally flat). If you try that on these Doo's with all the curves and contours you WILL get creases and bubbles. The wet method lets you conform the decals to curves in the hull.

So I trim all the excess backing material so I can see exactly where I want the decal positioned. Then use masking tape and tape it in the middle when I am satisfied on position. Then you pull up one half and remove and cut off the backing material. Then you spray down the area with soapy water and gently begin laying the decal down starting to conform it to the hull, now I use a old credit card to smooth out and do the final position while squeegeeing all the water out (top side of the decals are the hardest to get all the water out and get the to stick you just need to keep working at it and have paper towels to dry up the excess water). Then I pull off the masking tape and pull up the other side and remove the rest of the backing material, then wet down that side and begin gently laying down the rest of the decal.

I also noticed today that these decals do not like cold weather! Today was colder than it has been in weeks and when I brought them out to the garage they started curling up, you can see in the photos on the pool table they are laying perfectly flat. Then my last photo is of the biggest decal curling up, so I am waiting until it warms up this weekend before I install that one. I will post photos of that install also.

Thanks for the tips. I have some OEM superjet decals to install if it ever gets warm enough here to paint.
Well I almost finished today! Got the pump in and then the driveline was binding, my driveshaft is bent so I ordered a new one should be here by end of next week. She runs!! I fired up the engine after I pulled the pump and driveshaft out. The I got the last decal on and the new mats. I just need to do final detail and cleaning/waxing after I get the new driveshaft and pump reinstalled. My Poppy cover also arrived today.
Got it detailed and out in the sun! Getting out in the sun also let me find more water bubbles in the decals to pop with a pin and smooth with a credit card. Just need my new driveshaft and it will be done!!
Alright send her back I can handle it from here lol.
Best BT seat cover that I've seen.
LOL Thanks man! I'm really happy with how it came out. This is my new main ride!! The BT seat cover and mats also surprised me and didn't cost that much (I do think I got them on Black Friday sale?). I don't think I put the seat cover on right, I think I was supposed to glue it by the hump then stretch it on? But you can still see the hump and I'm happy with it.
Ok, it's EFFING AWESOME. I've been waiting to post. Excellent job, I love seeing these saved. I'm so glad I went thru all the painstaking effort to get these decals as close as they could be to original. I just love seeing them restored. This is giving me motivation to eventually finish mine. I just registered it for like the 4th time since I started it, lol. Once I get the quads ironed out here in the next few weeks (kids and quarantine) I'll hopefully get back on mine. So my dad passed away a few years ago and he really was my driving force on my toys. I just gave up on them. I didn't even ride last season. I took the boat out like 3 times if that. I need to get back into it. Thanks for sharing, I think it's what I needed.
Ok, it's EFFING AWESOME. I've been waiting to post. Excellent job, I love seeing these saved. I'm so glad I went thru all the painstaking effort to get these decals as close as they could be to original. I just love seeing them restored. This is giving me motivation to eventually finish mine. I just registered it for like the 4th time since I started it, lol. Once I get the quads ironed out here in the next few weeks (kids and quarantine) I'll hopefully get back on mine. So my dad passed away a few years ago and he really was my driving force on my toys. I just gave up on them. I didn't even ride last season. I took the boat out like 3 times if that. I need to get back into it. Thanks for sharing, I think it's what I needed.
Thanks man! I really appreciate that! Sorry for your loss. I was wondering if you finished yours. I appreciate all the time you put in with Mike to reproduce these decals! You need to get back at it and enjoy your toys!! Your threads are what inspired me to do a restoration! I love your attention to detail on OEM! I'm not as hardcore so mixed in some newer used parts. I love your 1998 SPX! I was looking for one of those before I picked this 95 up from Matt. There is a 95XP 800 on my local Craigs right now that I am thinking of picking up, it supposedly runs but has not been in the water since 2015, plus all the decals are removed, seat covered in black vinyl, and hood painted black, and asking price kinda high.
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