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Interested in a 1996 Challenger w/defective starter...need advices please.

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Well as I said I got it not running for $900
I have a chance to get a recently rebuilt 750 to replace the 787 for around $800 but that includes everything , Carbs intake , exhaust wiring . The man ran his ski on the rocks and tore up the hull beyond repair , same with the drive so he used a sawsall to cut everything out all cables and switched included , all hoses . looks like new . It is also a stage 1 motor but I dont claim to know what that means .
So $2000 to rebuild mine ( realy a fully rebuilt motor using mine only as the core charge)or by this one used . Will fit but it is a few CC's smaller
Anyone have an opinion ? I dont have much money
You can get a rebuilt 787 for around $800. Not sure if I would want anything less in this boat. Even then, it really needs a different pitch impeller to get it going good.

At least in my opinion and experience.

Oh, and CONGRATS on the boat purchase!!!
swirl impeller.

By the way that is a KICKA$$ Boat if you swap out the impeller with a swirl impeller. It will hop out of the hole as good as any other boat i have ever been in, and better than most, even when overloaded.

what is a swirl impeller. and how does it help.
I am looking more for reliability than top end .
I may have to sell one of my Steam cleaners to get the money to fix up my boat. I have 2 and at $5906 each new I should walk away with $1500 for one
You can get a rebuilt 787 for around $800. Not sure if I would want anything less in this boat. Even then, it really needs a different pitch impeller to get it going good.

At least in my opinion and experience.

Oh, and CONGRATS on the boat purchase!!!

Remember the motor is completely seised,
the carbs corroaded etc
tell me how to poast a picture and i will
The boat is now sitting in my driveway :hurray:
The guy called me yesterday and told me the starter was working again and he went to test it.
Today, I went there with my with father-in-law and we checked everything.
Compression test showed around 140-150 PSI on both cylinders then we went on a test ride and everything sounded fine.
Guy gave me the brand new starter and all kinds of stuffs.

I think I did good for $2700 :)

Going out for a ride Monday since it's going to be warm and sunny :reddevil:

HECK YA,..my brother....good job.:cheers:
The boat is now sitting in my driveway :hurray:
The guy called me yesterday and told me the starter was working again and he went to test it.
Today, I went there with my with father-in-law and we checked everything.
Compression test showed around 140-150 PSI on both cylinders then we went on a test ride and everything sounded fine.
Guy gave me the brand new starter and all kinds of stuffs.

I think I did good for $2700 :)

Going out for a ride Monday since it's going to be warm and sunny :reddevil:

Thats what I'm talking about - congrats, keep us posted.
Posting a pix....

When you finish a reply..........scroll on down the page. There you will see a button "Manage Attachments".....click on it. From there, you'll probably be able to figure it out. When you choose the "browse" selection, that's when you'll choose from your picture file on your computer. Then, click on the upload. It's that simple.

You will notice that there are file sizes listed. Most are able to upload and most file types are supported.

Your only allowed to post 5 pix at a time. But, if you post more, make it two posts, send me a PM and I'll come back and add them together and delete the one you used just to load them..............:cheers:
The swirl impeller is put out by Skat Trak, and has a different pitch, and more longer sweeping blades. It looks more like a propeller than the stock impeller does.

Anyways, it is supposed to knock of 2 mph off your top end, which should be around 45 mph.

I only lost 1 mph, but instead of taking 8-10 seconds to pop out of the hole, it only takes about 2-3. As far as I am concerned, it is almost instantly.

I used to have to floor the throttle with the trim all the way down then slowly pull the trim up over the course of the 8-10 seconds to get it to plane, then pull back on the throttle to the speed I wanted to cruise at.

After the swirl impeller swap, I just put it anywhere above 35-40% throttle and it just takes off out of the hole and planes right out. Doesn't matter where the trim is set.

I think I posted that the boat maxes out at 42 or 44 mph, and gets there very quickly.

The swirl holds the turns better as well, and doesn't "stall out" when you make a sharp turn.

It is designed to better manage the water flow through the intake and pump, and does a damned fine job at it.

And it was less than $200.
The swirl impeller is put out by Skat Trak, and has a different pitch, and more longer sweeping blades. It looks more like a propeller than the stock impeller does.

Anyways, it is supposed to knock of 2 mph off your top end, which should be around 45 mph.

I only lost 1 mph, but instead of taking 8-10 seconds to pop out of the hole, it only takes about 2-3. As far as I am concerned, it is almost instantly.

I used to have to floor the throttle with the trim all the way down then slowly pull the trim up over the course of the 8-10 seconds to get it to plane, then pull back on the throttle to the speed I wanted to cruise at.

After the swirl impeller swap, I just put it anywhere above 35-40% throttle and it just takes off out of the hole and planes right out. Doesn't matter where the trim is set.

I think I posted that the boat maxes out at 42 or 44 mph, and gets there very quickly.

The swirl holds the turns better as well, and doesn't "stall out" when you make a sharp turn.

It is designed to better manage the water flow through the intake and pump, and does a damned fine job at it.

And it was less than $200.

If I may ask , On average how much weight do you have it loaded down with , People as well as cargo , I assume full tanks
Also how does our moderator feel about such props .
My StarCraft would do over fifty until a tree fell on it , Thats a 19' aluminum cutty cabin with a 130hp 1984 evinrude on it . The moderator said the jet pumps are 30% more efficiant I think ?
Usually, full tanks, I weigh 210, the wife is tall and well endowed, for another 180 or so (I hope she doesn't read this, because I could be way off on that and she will kick my a.....)

Usually have a 60 lb dog, water skis, full cooler, etc. Bimini top is usually up.

I have also had my 220 lb father and 200 lb mother in there will all of us, and it still planed off after 3-5 seconds. That was about 900 lbs. I think the Coast Guard rating is 600.

All of this is AFTER the Swirl impeller swap. Before that, it would barely plane at all with all 4 in there, and if I turned, it would almost stall dead in the water.
Thoughts ?

Usually, full tanks, I weigh 210, the wife is tall and well endowed, for another 180 or so (I hope she doesn't read this, because I could be way off on that and she will kick my a.....)

Usually have a 60 lb dog, water skis, full cooler, etc. Bimini top is usually up.

I have also had my 220 lb father and 200 lb mother in there will all of us, and it still planed off after 3-5 seconds. That was about 900 lbs. I think the Coast Guard rating is 600.

All of this is AFTER the Swirl impeller swap. Before that, it would barely plane at all with all 4 in there, and if I turned, it would almost stall dead in the water.

With just my 170lb self , any idea how much HP would be lost with a 750. I am considering the $800 750 over the $2000 rebuilt 787. Will get me in the water 3 months sooner . I dont want a cheep Chinese parts rebuild , and will need carbs and likely many other parts that come with the 750. you can see what I am working with.


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See what I can get for $800

5 pictures of the 750


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Took it out on the bay today! It was fun ! I love this boat :hurray: . Everything works perfect...not a single drop of oil in the engine compartement.
Really happy with it so far.
Max speed was around 35mph (with me alone on the boat 1/4 tank fuel left).....seems a little "slow".....is that normal ?

Pics (also pic of the impeller...does it look good?):

Also what is this mod on the exhaust ? Guy told me it was done to make the boat go faster or more powerfull and that it makes the motor run a little too rich (need to change spark plugs every 8-10 hours)








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quit hit'n "enter" button....:rofl:

:hurray:..for dig'n the boat. The last pic of the pump assy, take a look back in there, and with feeler gauge, see if theres more than 1mm/.040 space between the impellor blade and "wear ring". That might be the reason for 35mph. Did the boat seem to rev real easy, but take awhile to plane? The "modified" pipe, is probably where pipe sprung leak, so he "goobered" it up w/ j-b weld, since no water in engine compartment, your good to go there.
If you feel brave, pop the "rave" caps off, and clean the giotines, simple job, just remove cap/latch slow, so spring dont go fly'n.
Anyway...congrats, clean look'n boat.

Can you think of anything else you might want put in your boat?
A kitchen sink? Maybe some cinder blocks? LOL
That engine is a 587. Sea-Doo never offered a 750.


You think he might be thinking of the 717? It's obvious he's got the 787 in the boat but the next size down is the 85 hp 717.

And if someone's trying to sell you a rebuild for 2K......your gettin ripped!
The exhaust mod could be the one i have read about where they drill out the baffles in the water box to improve flow.
Plugs are cheap, or you could adjust the low and high speed mixture screws in the carbies to get it right.
The jb weld on the core plugs in the tuned pipe will cause corrosion because of the different types of metals, if you get a chance i would remove the pipe and get it welded properly so it lasts longer.
You should see about 45mph with you and half a tank!! wear ring/neoprene seal/7200rpm.
I think 787 engines would be more common than 717's and would keep looking until i found a complete 787 in good condition.Buy a wrecked jet ski they are almost the same.
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Mine has those same bung issues in the pipe (in the XP). I drilled, tapped, and ran in a stainless bolt using 2-part epoxy as "locktite", then scuffed up the inside and filled in the hole with the rest of the epoxy to keep the water from eating around the bolt.

I took the XP apart a year later after some SERIOUS use and it all looked just as I had put it in the year before, so it seems to be holding up.

Mine was more of a problem on the bottom where previous owner left salt water sitting in the pipe and it corroded holes into it.

Dennis, I try to have fun when I go out on the boat. You never know when you will get in the mood to fish, surf, ski, or whatever...:reddevil:
quit hit'n "enter" button....:rofl:

:hurray:..for dig'n the boat. The last pic of the pump assy, take a look back in there, and with feeler gauge, see if theres more than 1mm/.040 space between the impellor blade and "wear ring". That might be the reason for 35mph. Did the boat seem to rev real easy, but take awhile to plane? The "modified" pipe, is probably where pipe sprung leak, so he "goobered" it up w/ j-b weld, since no water in engine compartment, your good to go there.
If you feel brave, pop the "rave" caps off, and clean the giotines, simple job, just remove cap/latch slow, so spring dont go fly'n.
Anyway...congrats, clean look'n boat.

Thanks for the infos. Yes, it rev easy but it took a looong time to plane (with 4 ppl in it....when I was alone in it ,it took less than 10sec).
Also I hear a metallic rattle when flushing the boat... is that an indication of a worn wear ring as well?
Going to check the space between impeller and wear ring.
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Rattle when out of water is perfectly normal. You can buy a $15 anti-rattle kit if you do a wear ring swap.

I HIGHLY suggest going for the swirl impeller if you do a wear ring swap. Actually, I encourage you to look into it ANYWAY.

Call Dave at Impros and he will tell you what impeller and what prices. I bought one refurbished (he said it was so like-new that he refused to sell me a new one) and it showed up looking exactly like new. 909-370-4900

Yours sounds like it ran like mine when i got it. It will make an awesome difference.
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Rattle when out of water is perfectly normal. You can buy a $15 anti-rattle kit if you do a wear ring swap.

I HIGHLY suggest going for the swirl impeller if you do a wear ring swap. Actually, I encourage you to look into it ANYWAY.

Call Dave at Impros and he will tell you what impeller and what prices. I bought one refurbished (he said it was so like-new that he refused to sell me a new one) and it showed up looking exactly like new. 909-370-4900

Yours sounds like it ran like mine when i got it. It will make an awesome difference.

Cool thanks for the infos ! I'm reassured about this "rattling" sound now. This is my 1st boat so I have a lot to learn...but I'm already hooked :reddevil:
Called the number you gave me...impeller + ring will coste me around $250. Going to order that.It sounds like a good investment. They have a detailed "how to" on the impeller/ring replacement.
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quit hit'n "enter" button....:rofl:

:hurray:..for dig'n the boat. The last pic of the pump assy, take a look back in there, and with feeler gauge, see if theres more than 1mm/.040 space between the impellor blade and "wear ring". That might be the reason for 35mph. Did the boat seem to rev real easy, but take awhile to plane? The "modified" pipe, is probably where pipe sprung leak, so he "goobered" it up w/ j-b weld, since no water in engine compartment, your good to go there.
If you feel brave, pop the "rave" caps off, and clean the giotines, simple job, just remove cap/latch slow, so spring dont go fly'n.
Anyway...congrats, clean look'n boat.

Just checked the space between impeller and wear ring and I get 0.035-0.040 max space all around.
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