I've done one other oil tank previously and it was slow going with my older soldering gun. I gave this tank a go with the more powerful soldering gun I bought last year. I gotta say the new gun gets it done way better. It didn't take long at all to go around the tank and fuse the plastic together and as you can see in the first picture the tank was in horrible shape. It is important to me that I keep the jobs moving as whenever I have to order a part that's usually 4 days added to the process. This is surely a doable project and I saved $110 or so for 20 minutes work. I tested the tank by putting some gas in there and rolling it around. A-OK. I'd like to get some plastic rods or material that match. I melted and fused plastic tubing in a couple of places just to build up a bit and to see how it worked out. This method is surely the ticket for me.

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