I bought a new wear ring and new impeller for my 2010 Speedster as I had damaged the original hardware by sucking up rocks. Odd thing though , when I dry fit the impeller inside the wear ring with just those two parts sitting on a table, I measure a gap of 1.4 mm, really 2.8 mm at extreme but half is the centered impeller to wear ring gap. However the shop manual species a maximum wear limits of 0.35 mm gap. I am using brand new hardware and I already exceed wear limits by a factor of 3 ! Could it be that when the nylon wear ring is fitted into the pump housing it will reduce the ID significantly enough to give me the 0.35mm gap, I doubt this. Just wondering if others have noted their actual gap using feeler gauges, this could be new hardware or even your impeller gap to wear ring on your present jet boat. I suspect the manual has an error but I want to get maximum performance and since this gap seems to be critical to performance I am even considering 3D printing my own wear ring that gives me a tight as gap as possible.