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Idle problem w/ 98 GTX Limited.

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I bough a battery and installed it on Friday. Started it up and made sure everything was running. Idled at close or what it should out of water. We take it down to a place close to here and run it all day. In water idle was good. About 1500 RPM's. I take it out. Bring it home and hook up the water hose to it. Start it up and open the water to it. The darn thing runs up to like 7 or 8000 RPM's. I had to shut off the fuel and yank the plug wire real fast cause it wouldn't turn off. Even when I pulled the key thing. Any one have any ideas why it is doing this? I'm at a loss. Fine in the water but out was horrible. I'm afraid to start it now to flush it. You guys are the experts so that is why I'm humbly asking for the greatest peoples help and knowledge w/ this. Yall are the best!
By any chance did you have the fuel turned off when you started at home causing it to lean out???

If not it sounds like your running lean. Do you have the grey fuel lines in it still? If so I would replace with new 1/4 inch lines you can get from any auto parts store you will need 25 feet and about 18 hose clamps. Also you would need to clean the internal carb filters and take apart the fuel selector valve and clean it. Do not run it if its leaning out because it will destroy your top end.

Let us know how you make out

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That has been done. All lines are new 1/4 fuel line. It isn't running lean in the water. Runs kinda rich in the water. Which I don't mind. Just happened when I took it out and was flushing it. I did have the the fuel valve off when I started it. It stopped, of course no fuel, so I turned the fuel valve on and restarted it and then it ran away to 7k or 8k RPM's.
Most likely it was running lean because the fuel selector was off and have you tried re-starting since you opened the selector, if it revs up and out of control pull the choke, it will slow the engine. But i assume you tried that. Hmm, maybe one of the guru's here will pipe in. Good luck though
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I did it again today. Same thing but with the fuel valve open. So I lowered the idle speed. Then flushed it out. I'll get on tomorrow and check back. I've got to go out of town. Later.
I'm gonna clean it out and see. Maybe that filter is gunked up. I could see that but it ran great in the water. Perfect RPM's and ran good. Except for the occasional miss. Kinda boggs when throttle is first applies. I was reading the service manual on how to set the carbs, kinda vague isn't it?
Anyone? I'm running out of ideas here. Seadoo shop by me wants to tear into the carbs and check it out. I've just rebuilt them. So I don't think they are the problem. Help!
engine runaway on the trailer is a fairly common thing, it can be as simple as your throttle linkage is not adjusted properly or your idle is set too high. to kill the engine, just pull the choke, no big deal, no air and it will die right away.
also, many people turn up the idle when the engine gets older and begins to lose some compression or they have dirty carb filters.
I'm actually working on it right now. I've found some problems with it. One thing is I see that the throttle cable and some other cable is crossed. I'm going to have to swap them. How I don't know. There is a big pipe in the way. The low speed and high speed were set way out. I'm not sure what carb is what though so I'm gonna have to do some research on it. Like I said before, the carbs are freshly rebuilt.
Seals? Ah I don't know about any seals. Springs, yes. I may apply a lite amount of teflon to them. They turn very easily with a screw driver. I was wondering what kept them from turning with use and vibration and all. I don't want to have to adjust them all the time.
Ok. After removing the carbs yesterday and replacing the fuel line on them. There were 2 of the grey lines that were never changed out actually on the carbs. Went from one carb to the other. I pulled the low and high speed needles. Yes the O'rings were there and they were good. I'm missing one of the plastic covers for the high speed needles. I don't know where the filters are in the carbs. Anyone have a diagram of the carbs? Know where I can get one? Will the gaskets have to be replaced if I have to open them up?
Thanks for the print. If I can find the O'rings for the lsa's and hsa's. I doubt I can just go to the auto parts store and pick them up.
I think that they are just basic o-rings.....take one of without breaking it, and go down to a parts store or ace hardware.
Alrighty then. I'll do that. I need to get this thing back together soon and try it out. I hope I don't find anything like yours. That sucks. I can't find the jets. Where are they in that picture you gave me? I was told to change them out if I have aftermarket flame arrestors.
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